Shar’elum Species in Gokrenxia | World Anvil


Long not for the skies, my children, but instead let the wings of your mind carry your lives higher than the highest mountaintop. Let your sharp vision see beyond today to a world that is yet to be.
— Kuymi Tan, Shar'elum Elderess

Basic Information


The Shar'elum are a family of Kynekin descended exhibiting the characteristics of avians. They are most readily identifiable by their layers of protective feathers covering their skin that provide insulation from the cold and naturally wick away rain to help keep them dry. Their coloration varies greatly depending upon the traits of their family and can range from brilliant crimson, saphire, and topaz, to dark midnight, subtle grey, and neutral browns. Their heads are more oval-shaped than humans, coming to sharp points in the form of solid keratin beaks. Yet there is significant variance in beaks as well, with some being short and pointed, while others are long and hooked.   Shar'elum tend to be tall, of a similar height to Elves, but more muscular.


The avians of Gokrenxia place a high value on home, family, and friendship. They are fans of their formality and rituals, passed down from generation to generation.   While not true of all Shar'elum, a slight majority tend toward pacifism and strive to avoid confrontation.   Finally, Shar'elum are beings of high energy. They instinctively need to move and have significant difficulty quieting their minds and their bodies. This can put others on edge with their constant chattering, fidgeting, and movement. Shar'elum tend to feel very uncomfortable when faced with silence. Patience is not one of their strong suits.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The Shar'elum are generally beings of high intellect, but due to their preference for comfort, often lack extensive practical wisdom and experience to put their intellect to its best use. This has led to the general impression that Shar'elum are shallow and sheltered.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Shar'elum are tectrachromatic. That is, they see colors in four dimensions compared against the Myndikin standard three. Thus the Shar'elum have a much richer depth of undestanding and nuance around color largely unfamiliar to other races. Their eyes tend to have a much wider field of vision than humans, with an exceptional ability to see in low light. These facts combine to make Shar'elum highly sought after in fields relying upon sight for performance.
100 years
Related Ethnicities

In response to Mochi's WorldEmber Species Challenge

Articles under Shar’elum

Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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Jan 6, 2024 20:45 by Mochi

These are awesome, I love bird people :D Thank you for participating in my Unofficial Challenge! Here is the badge's ID: [img:5093419]

WE23 Unofficial Species Challenge Badge by Mochi

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Consider voting for me in the Worldbuilding Awards!
Jan 9, 2024 21:19

Thanks for running this challenge Mochi! Happy 2024!

Nominated for Best Newcomer of 2023!   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!