Yuklid V Geographic Location in Lordania | World Anvil
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Yuklid V

Yuklid V is the fifth planet in the Yuklid System, which lies just under 40 light years from Sol. Yuklid V is a large, humid sub-tropical planet, with icy polar caps and dense jungle between. Yuklid is home to the region’s largest medical facilities, and serves as home to much of space's medical academia. It's largest city is Iyeegi, which is located in the southern hemisphere of the planet. While the vast majority is the planet is composed of jungle, the planet is also home to a vast mountain range, as well as numerous swamplands.


Yuklid V is a hothouse jungle world, locked in a mesozoic era for the past 300 million years. It is far smaller than the Earth, with a thick atmosphere that traps a large amount of heat in the planet. This has created conditions ideal for dense swamps, impassable jungles, and various great deserts. Yuklid V is home to one supercontinent, but also a great deal of tectonic activity, geologic rifts, and waterways. It is extremely comparable to an early Earth, complete with vast stretches of tropical forest and animal life, dominated by reptiles and insects. Its largest body of water is the Lotus Sea, which is considered the dividing line between East and West Yuklid. It is a major waterway, navigated by countless vessels.   Colonisation of Yuklid V, despite taking place over 150 years ago, is still relatively incomplete. Less than half the planet has been properly explored in person, with urban development taking place around a few select cities and navigable waterways. However, it is still a heavily populated planet of countless cultures and identities, unified under the Republic of Yuklid, which governs from its capital city, Iyeegi. Yuklid is divided by the Provincial System, split into Seven Federal Provinces and One Frontier. This system would be replicated on other planets, such as Tersten.   The seven Federal Provinces are; Iyeegi, Culcheth, Acacara, Llanbryde, Délite, Asanobe, and Jeonbaek, named after their major cities. Land outside these seven provinces is designated as the Yuklid Frontier, administered directly by the Republic of Yuklid. Each of the Federal Provinces are considered semi-independent states in their own right, with distinct cultures and laws. However, international conflict is extremely rare, and unity under the Republic is at an all-time high. Together, the people of Yuklid are referred to as Yuklidian.  

Federal Provinces of Yuklid V

Iyeegi is the capital of Yuklid and the most developed region on the planet. It is here that the Republic of Yuklid convene, having governed the planet since 2166. The city of Iyeegi is a very cosmopolitan capital, home to pretty a minority of pretty much every culture on Yuklid, and considered the best place for a tourist to visit to experience the planet's people. Four other major cities lie in Iygeegi territory; Supeque, a major port city with connections west to Délite and beyond; Maarlin, a quiet industrial city home to most of Iyeegi's factories; Mayugamo, an agricultural hotspot and quaint rural city; and Nyegundo, a major port city on the east coast, with connections to Culcheth.   Iyeegi is located in the southern hemisphere, and close to Yuklid's polar region, making it a far more temperate region that most of Yuklid's interior. It lacks the jungles the planet is most famous for, instead with a more mediterranean climate along its coasts, and dense forests in its heartland, though most of these have been cleared away for farmland and urban expansion, with countless towns and villages dotting the landscape.
Culcheth is located in the south-eastern hemisphere of Yuklid, dominated by the vast Mt. Saath Caldera and the Glinowice Sea. Culcheth's heartland is surrounded on both sides by ocean, and is an elevated peninsula created by the Saath volcano system and home to some of Yuklid's most fertile soils. The lands around Mt Saath and the nearby city of Novomogda are well known for their wine production, comparable to Italy. Culcheth itself is located in the centre of the peninsula, with the Klucze Desert located to its west. The Glinowice Channel is located in Culcheth, the last port of call before crossing the Lotus Sea.
Acacara is located in the north-eastern hemisphere of Yuklid, home to the great Duvet Canal, and the resort city of Cariborlu. Acacara is also home to one of Yuklid's three spaceports, and is extremely connected to the rest of the Lordanian Cluster and greater Sol community. It is here in Acacara that Lordania's medical community has established itself, complete with research institutions, medical clinics, and renowned universities, a resource that Sol has been very keen to use. The city of Envinaga is home to numerous clinics and hospitals that cater to rich and upper class peoples from across the galaxy, famed for its discretion.
Llanbryde is the central mountainous region of Yuklid. the home of the Celtic-Yuklidean People, and the birthplace of Arywenn.
The Frontier

Natural Resources

Yuklid V has some of the cluster's most varied flora, with most of the planet's economy based around the cultivation and harvesting of plants for medicinal, cultural, or economical purposes. The thick trucks of junglewood trees is used as a building material across the whole planet.   While large deposits of natural gas are present on the planet, the planet's biosphere is simply too young to have created fossil fuels. The planet is undergoing it's mesozoic period, which historically is when the life that created fuel was only beginning to die.


  • Yuklid V
    Yuklid V is a lush tropical world located in the Yuklid system.
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