New Ares Settlement in Lordania | World Anvil
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New Ares

"...looking back out towards the endless city, quickly losing sight of the Senate, despite it’s presence as the tallest building in the entire city, past gravity defying buildings and incredible high-rises, across massive vistas of open garden and greenery, surrounded on all sides by endless spires. Every fifth floor giving way to parks and playgrounds set inside the marble-looking façade of the towers, complete with beautiful fountains and luscious grass. Green and healthy, with trees and bushes and flowers all present in what could only be described as a depiction of heaven. Indeed it was heaven, for it was New Ares."
— Quote from The Senator, 2269
  New Ares is the largest and most prosperous city-state on Lordania. It lies on the west coast of the Singhua Bay, within the greater Iodas Ocean. The City-State of Xutong lies to the south, and the City-State of Gabokane lies to the north-west.  

Republic of New Ares

The Republic of New Ares is a relatively modern state, with New Ares having historically served as the capital of the First Lordanian Republic, being a federal district, and effectively ruled the entire planet. It became the capital of the People's Republic of Lordania, with much of the city being militarised and expanded. During this time, it was a hotbed of pro-Unitarian loyalties, with Aresian culture being promoted as the dominant Lordanian group. When the full scale of the terror the People's Republic had caused against its own people, the Aresians of Lordania were treated with intense suspicion and hatred, and isolated from the greater Lordanian sphere during the Lordanian Interregnum Period. In response, they have undergone a drastic internal transformation. The Republic of New Ares was formed, and is now the leading producer of arts and entertainment in the cluster. Films, Music, Art, Fashion, anything the Lordanians consider 'high culture' likely has its origins here. Aresians have once again become the face of the Upper Lordanians, though their military and political power is nothing compared to what it once was. Some do not believe this transition to be genuine, that the Republic of New Ares should be disbanded, lest they bring ruin to the Lordanian Cluster again.


The city is designed to minimise travel time from any point in the region. It is connected by rail connections. Much of the cities infrastructure is developed above ground and avoids disrupting natural land. The city of connected by numerous highway routes and offers daily sea connections to Waterpool through canal development.   New Ares was one of the first settlements on the planet and has retained some of its unplanned sprawl as a living museum. Much of the original colony was demolished in the mid 22nd century.
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