Mallane Settlement in Lordania | World Anvil
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Mallane is a metropolitan region to the north of Waterpool and is located in the fertile Suebi plains. Together with Waterpool it makes up the 'Mallapool' Megalopolis.       Originally developed as an urban retreat for the rich, after the destruction of the Senate in 2279, Mallane became a home for many refugees and dissenters against the People's Republic of Lordania. It was the only region to not only survive the ensuing Interregnum, but thrive. Today, Mallane is a cultural and political hub, where young Lordanians discuss political theory in a coffee shop by the river. It is home to numerous galleries, museums, and parks. Much of this has been funded by various Lordanian Corportations such as Hoch-Baton, Gucci-Armani, Lovettica Industries, and Fairchild-Burbank.   Mallane is a cultural hotspot, with many different interplanetary cultures settling in the region, arguably the most tolerant part of the planet. Mallane similarly has a large Latin American and South American population, largely centered around the Bolīvar District and New Columbia.
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