Waterpool Settlement in Lordania | World Anvil
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Waterpool is the second largest metropolitan region on Lordania. It is located on the north coast of the Musoke Sea, which is connected via canal to the Iodas Ocean. Waterpool extends far down the Musoke's eastern coast, and the northern suburbs of Waterpool make up the southern limits of Mallane, with the two cities often being termed the Mallapool Megalopolis.   The city was made the home of the Lordanian Federal District following the destruction of the Senate in New Ares. It was in Waterpool that the Second Lordanian Republic was made a formal member of the United Systems of Sol. As such, the Second Lordanian Republic convenes at the Marcus Garvey Building, located in the harbour district of the city, on the coast. Waterpool is also home to the Sol Garrison, a semi-militarised district of the city that is home to much of Sol's Lordanian political and military administrators. Waterpudlians are a mix of Martian and Earther cultures, with a distinct anglo heritage. Many citizens of Waterpool would, in the early 23rd Century, set out to colonise Kingston, leading to close ties between the planet and the city.
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