Kassala Geographic Location in Lordania | World Anvil
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Kassala, also known as the Three Seas, is a large geographic area on Cinu. Most of Kassala is comprised of the Tamaran Basin, the ancient crater remains of a collision several hundred thousand years ago. It has pushed the land around Kassala upwards, leading to an eroded and jagged, but mostly shielding mountain range to the west, protecting the land from the Saahati Desert.  Kassala is bound by Mular, Erfoud to the north, Jambalapat to the north and east, Warhaj to the east and south, and the Saahati to the west. Kassala is seen as the central-point of Cinu, located at the equator.   Much of Kassala's interior is warm and wet, with protected rainforests dotting the land. Elsewhere, the land has been conditioned for human habitation, creating vast zones of agriculture and woodlands. The largest city in Kassala is Zawilah, which is also its capital. However, the region is densely populated, with countless towns and cities dotting the landscape.   The region has played host to numerous nations throughout Cinuan history. The biggest, and most prosperous of these was the Kassala Republic, part of the United Nations of Cinu from its formation until the Cinu Unification Wars. The Kassala Republic was one of the victorious nations of the Unification Wars, in part due to the leadership of General Çetin Üllasuli. Following the conclusion of the war, the Kassala Republic was dissolved and made part of the Cinuan State, under the People's Republic of Lordania. Following the collapse of the Unitarian regime, and the Great Liberation, the Kassala Republic was re-established, becoming part of the modern Cinuan Union.
Capital City
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