United Nations of Cinu Organization in Lordania | World Anvil
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United Nations of Cinu

The United Nations of Cinu was a transnational government on Cinu, responsible for managing the political and economic affairs of the countless nations on the planet.  Maintaining peace across the planet's countless nations for thirty-nine years, the UNC was disbanded by the People's Republic of Lordania in the wake of the Cinu Unification Wars.


In 2224 the United Nations of Cinu was established to oversee and keep the peace between nations. It ultimately failed at that goal as numerous more advantaged nations absorbed their neighbours, or conducted war between them. The UNC governed Cinu from 2224 until 2263, and is largely considered by modern day Cinuans as a noble if ineffective leadership. Owing to the populace's ethical history, a great wave of liberal policies that sought to "Put to rest all inequalities, all injustices, and to make all equal before the law." The political equilibrium was thrown into disarray in the early 2250s after the collapse of the Lordanian Economy, of which Cinu was reliant on. In mid-2256, the Lordanian Dollar, Cinu's primary currency, began to slump after a series of failed economic expansions attempted by the Lordanian Senate, and measures to fix this were only met with more failures. Cinu was one of the planets affected by the recession, resulting in an economic collapse and mass unemployment. This led to tensions between people and massive civil protest. Much of this protesting was orchestrated by a new political movement dedicated to social justice and freedom.   In 2260, elections were called for the Lordanian Senate, this was an extremely unusual election in that many places previously denied a vote were granted them by active petitioning by the Unitarian Party. This allowed them to gain control of the senate, with Leonard Percy taking place as Consul. In the same year, unrest broke out across the planet, with many arguing that the Unitarians were plotting a coup of the democratic process. This unrest was used as a pretext for war, starting the Cinu Unification Wars as planetary nations attempted to take control of the capital city.   In response, the United Nations of Cinu, under pressure from Unitarian leadership, enacted a series of restrictive martial laws, banning protests and declaring dissidents as enemies of the state. The United Nations was now just a puppet for the Unitarians, who launched campaigns to secure the capital, as well as many vital locations on the planet. Backed and encouraged by radical elements within the Republic, the United Nations was repeatedly forced into using harsher and harsher measures to control their population's unrest.


Under the guise of restoring order, the Unitarians systematically dismantled every nation on the planet, and established a one-party state over control of the planet. This was their plan for every planet in the cluster, and the Unitarians in 2264, declared the dissolution of the Senate and the establishment of the People's Republic of Lordania, a one-party state ruled over by the Consul.  This was swiftly followed by the dissolution of the United Nations of Cinu, in favour of a puppet government called the Cinu State.

2224 - 2263

Political, International
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Transnational government
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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