Llanbryde Settlement in Lordania | World Anvil
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Llanbryde is a large geographical region in central Yuklid. Colonised in the early 23rd century, the large city of Llanbryde, where the region gets its name, was established in the center of the region, resting in a mountainous plateau between three of Yuklid's great lakes, and is seen as the home of Spiritualism. There are five major cities in the Llanbryde region, these are Llanbyrde, Caddick Lake, Calcas, Kilmartin, and Creiddylad Mountains.   The Llanbrydians are descended from Celtic (Scottish, Cornish, and Welsh) settlers following the collapse of their historical overlords. They took with them their language and culture, becoming a modern Pan-Celtic state in its own right. They make up the Federal State of Celtica, one territory of the larger Republic of Yuklid. It is sandwiched between the Great Lakes and divided by a mountainous range.
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