
The Fallen Mage

Earl of Shadows Vahit Marangoz

"That accursed Empire will pay for everything they have done to humanity. And I will be the one to see it fall."
Vahit is a over 300 year old demon, creator and leader of the Shades an a former mage and student.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

[Image is WIP]

Physical Appearance

Vahit is a tall, imposing figure with long, dark hair that reaches past his shoulders, however this is significantly longer than when he was still a student. His face and skin tone resembles those or Indian decent, traits common to those who the humans who live around the desert elves that live in his home territory. After becoming a shade, his once brown eyes have turned a bright red resembling the shape of a goats.


Because of his "Work work work" mentality, he's rarely seen in his civilian clothing. However he does use it when roaming New Earth. His civilian outfit involves a rather tacky looking lavender suit full of intricate patterns, left open to reveal a loosely buttoned dress shirt. His hair is tied up into a bun and he often carries around a fancy cigarette holder.


Vahit wears dark leather armor similar to that of the uniform of his soldiers, however with minor differences, such as his heart shaped chest piece having a golden border around it like his physical shade heart. Over this however he wears a long, plain, dark cloak with a hood, which he often had up over his head, making him appear as a mysterious cloaked figure from far away.

Special abilities

Vahit was a very skilled Dark Mage in his youth, and in his studies, created the shades. As their creator, he has the highest understanding of how they function and how their powers work. He has the power to bestow different powers and specializations to his soldiers, making more powerful versions of them. He's also memorized almost every power he has given to a shade, and can use all of them, though not nearly as effectively as if her were to specialize any any of them.   He can also give subconscious commands to his shades with the Malevolence Maw at the top of his tower.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In Life



Vahit was born in A'Harat to an impoverished family consisting of his father and an absentee mother. The most he ever knew about her was that she was a mage that left for the the city to find work, and simply never returned. His father on the other hand, was a member of the Bandits of the Silent Sands, and made money through theft and drug trade.   Vahit lacked the potential for magic, but none the less found the idea of doing magic fascinating, so to compensate, Vahit began dabbling in magic tricks, illusions and slight of hand. He would use these to impress the other human children and even make a few gold in the process.   Being a human village near a large elves city, Vahit often saw elven guards come into town and abuse the residents off the village, and was used to listening to his father rant about his disdain towards them. One evening when Vahit was awaiting his father to come back from his 'job' he was instead greeted by two elven guards coming into his home and informing him that his father had been arrested and was being held in a prison in Falle Anor. When he finally was able to visit him in prison, his father told him that they were planning to execute him, insisting that he was framed for the murder of a high ranking military official, whose caravan was raided by bandits.   Being so young, Vahit was powerless to do anything, and so the execution went as scheduled. Afterwards, Vahit was put into custody of an elderly mage, who he would be working for until he turned 18. The mage treated him like a servant and constantly berated him, but yet Vahit was still fascinated by the magic the old man performed. The mage would often enforce that Vahit couldn't do magic cause he didn't have 'the potential' but then would contradict himself by claiming he didn't learn it until he was in his 20's. This would plant the seed of doubt in Vahit's mind.   When was was 18, the old man passed away from age, With no one left to stop him, Vahit gathered up all of his magic supplies determined to enter mage college and learn magic.

Education as a Student of the Mage College

Vahit had a plan for conning his way into the college. He had practiced a magic trick for days that would make him appear to have psychokinesis. When the time came to present his magical skills to the administration, he nearly butchered the act, and set himself on fire. But despite this clumsiness, he was still able to perform convincing enough 'magic' to be allowed to study in the college.   Life in the school was rough for a while, as Vahit struggled to learn or understand real magic, all the while using every excuse and trick in the book to prevent staff and his peers from learning the truth. One day, while desperately looking for any spell book that would help him until he found a book set to be thrown out, a spell book on dark magic recently added to the 'banned' list, which he proceeded to steal.   When he read the dark magic spells, that's when things started to finally click for him, and one night he was able to cast his first spell,
creating a physical ball of shadow that blew a pile of books across the room in every direction. In his excitement, he started writing in his journal about how he proved the 'potential' wrong and how he was going to prove to everyone that any human was capable of learning magic.   However life only got harder for him in school from then on, as the use of dark magic was frowned upon and rumors began to spread that Vahit was performing illegal demon magic, which lead to even more discrimination towards him and left him isolated from his peers. The only exception was a human woman named Galila, training to become court mage. She found the idea of a human learning to become a mage from nothing to be amazing, and saw him as the hope humanity needed in such a magic dominated world. Galila was unusually wealthy for a human, even gifting Vahit a Voidstone heart to adorn his staff. She would later reveal it was because she was the apprentice of the current court mage for the Queen of the province.

Employment at the Mage's Council

After Vahit had graduated college, he was quite pleased in his achievement, however he wasn't done yet. Galila had convinced Vahit to join her in applying to the Mages Council, citing that his discovery about magic could change the lives of so many humans. The two applied and by pure luck and determination, both were excepted into the council, a feat typically unheard of for a human.   Yet this did not make him equals with the elves in his position.
He quickly realized the lack of respect his fellow council members had for him, which made rising the ranks difficult for him. He would many times try to get the laws changed to allow humans a better chance to thrive in the economy, but many of his suggestions were vetoed or rejected. He started to realize his title meant very little to his peers, and that he might as well not be there. He began to get paranoid that he was being silenced purely so that he couldn't out 'The Potential' as being the scam it was.

The Falle Anor Portal Incident

A new fear was brewing among the mages of the Falle Anor mages. Their researchers had predicted that the increased level of mana bode a dangerous fate for the Fantasme. Mages believed that mana was putting pressure on the dimensional barriers forming tears in reality. Anomalies that were assumed incomplete portals were cropping up more frequently, and that this bad news for the fate of the dimension.   More an more meetings were held over this issue, and Vahit had brainstormed and researched a solution, when one day he believed he had the answer. At a meeting, Vahit presented his plan that with enough magic, a controlled portal to the human realm of New Earth could be opened and used as a means of releasing mana and obtaining balance between the dimensions. His idea was laughed out of the room. Bernan, an even councilman and Vahit's higher up, suggested that if they did open the portal, they could invade New Earth for it's resources. Vahit vehemently opposed this idea, but the overwhelming support for Bernan's idea shut him down. But Vahit refused to give the council the details of his portal ritual and stormed out of the meeting room.   But Bernan wouldn't let Vahit's little tantrum stand, so he snuck into his quaters to take the portal research himself, only to also come across his journal. The journal revealed everything, including how he cheated his entrance exam.   Bernan confronted Vahit the next day, to inform him that the council will continue the portal ritual. Upon realizing his research was stolen, he threaten Bernan, only to be met with the treat of Bernan having him thrown in jail for fraud. His only companion, Galila, couldn't even defend him, unwilling to risk her position in the council. Vahit had no choice but to let the ritual continue.  
"I told Galila to leave town before the ritual, I knew well what I was about to do. I carry that burden on my shoulders, so why... why do I feel nothing?"
The night of the ritual, the entire council --including Vahit-- prepared to open the largest portal to New Earth the world has ever seen. All the mage focused their spell to a single point which began to grow. As the unstable portal grew large enough, Vahit stopped casting and stepped towards the portal. The other mages, with their hands tied trying to stabilize the portal, were powerless but to watch.   As the fog cleared and he could see the forests and oceans of New Earth, he entered the portal. This resulted in the portal becoming chaotic and uncontrollable, shaking the tower and knocking the other mages off their feet. With Vahit long gone, the portal released a sudden blast of raw mana that consumed the city. Falle Anor was gone.

Life on New Earth

After escaping the Fantasme, Vahit wandered for days on new earth, finding himself in what would be modern day Venezuela. He would wonder into civilization and settle down there, acquainting himself with the culture the people and the language, all the while having the freedom to study his magic with out the restrictions of the council or The Empire's laws.   He would begin to study the deeper effects of dark magic on living creatures, and experimenting with blood, but also Blood Demons, finding he could bind them to small creatures like birds and mice to resurrect them temporarily. He even managed to bind a full blood demon to the voidstone that adorned his staff, which started oozing a strange black substance, and making it defuct.   Vahit realized that he would have to find a new means of channeling magic in this mana lacking world, which is when he began researching the The Goddess Blades, more importantly, the 5th one that was supposedly thrown into this dimension thousands of years ago. Just when he thought he pinpointed it's location, he realized he needed transportation, that's when he met Catria Geisslerra an infamous pirate in the area. He payed her off and convinced her take him to the island he believed the sword was on.
While on the voyage though, Vahit continued his experiments to the best of his ability, which caught the attention of a few crew mates and rumors started spreading around the Vahit was summoning demons below the ship, rumors that no doubt made it to Catria's ears. Vahit ignroed them all, and when the crew arrived to the island, Vahit was eager to start searching. When they camped out for the night, Vahit could hear the Goddess's whispers, and left in the middle of the night to follow them. Little did he know Catria was following right after.   He found the sword, sheathed and untouched, alone in a dark cavern full of ancient elvish writing. But before he could approach it, Catria pushed him out of the way and ran for the sword, grabbing and unsheathing it right there in front of him. The Goddess Blade showed Catria a vision, a vision of a city under attack my horrible otherworldly demons, and at the head of everything, a corrupted demonic Vahit.   Shaken her version Catria panicked and turned the blade on Vahit, who stood there baffled at the sudden change in disposition. Catria plunged the sword into Vahit's stomach and fled the cave, leaving him for dead.


In Death


Becoming a Shade

As Vahit lie bleeding to death, out of his bag falls out the corrupted voidstone heart, which in the dark room began leaking black liquid, almost mirroring the bleeding man. As if alive, the liquid begins slither towards the dying Vahit, and to his surprise, crawled into his open stab wound and invading his body, all the while dragging the voidstone inside with it. He writhed on the ground as the black substance transformed him into the very first Shade.
"The very same burning, agonizing pain I felt surging through my veins, suddenly granted me powers no man nor fae could ever even fathom. I have played god and become something beyond mortal, beyond daemon. I've never felt so free."
He awoke in the same cave, but in a new demonic form. His dark magic powers were even stronger, he could shape shift, and he was practically invincible, but only in the dark. Tho the sword and Catria's ship was long gone, he didn't need them anymore. He no longer needed eat or sleep, so he spent days on the island practicing and learning of his new powers. Eventually he even figured out how to open temporary gates to Underworld which he was able to use to escape the island and find more Voidstone to experiment with.   Vahit quickly realized his could replicate his experiments and start making more creatures like him, and started turning willing participants into shades, slowly forming his own little army.

The Invasion of Hell

  With larger numbers under his belt, Vahit wanted to make a domain for him and his followers. Vahit made the first attack on a small area of Brimstone. The demons there were overwhelmed by the strength of the Shades, having never encountered anything like them before. In one attack Vahit was able to claim a significant chunk of land and corrupt it with black blood. In the center of it all, the Tower of Shadows was erected. a mighty fortress that would act as the hub for Vahit and his new creations.  

The Attack on Fantasme

  Having achieved great power, Vahit was filled with a new sense of purpose. He saw now the opportunity to enact his vengeance on the elves. His rage so great, he wanted nothing but to see every last one of them destroyed, and the Empire of Fanentous to fall. He started planning his big attack on the Empire.   He needed time to prepare and grow his army. He gave them a name; The Suit of Hearts. He formed a group of Shades who would live in New Earth and scope out any people with the potential to be a shade. People who have been wronged or hurt by society. Those who wanted a second chance to get revenge, he sought them out.   For a while, smaller raids on elven villages would happen here and there, but in 1990, Vahit would begin his first major assault on the empire, by attacking it's capitol. While he wasn't able to take it he was able to assassinate the Empress, leaving the Empire in chaos as the first Shade war began.

Morality & Philosophy

Vahit has a very skewed sense of morality. Vahit commits horrible atrocities, such a murder, genocide or slavery. Yet he still sees himself as a hero as he only targets elves, which he deems to be soulless, amoral beings who treat lesser creatures as play things. He is so blinded by his own bitterness that he refuses to see why what he is doing is wrong.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

While he often doesn't find time for leisure activities anymore, he does enjoy practicing not just traditional magic, but his old magic tricks and slight of hand. Unfortunately, as his partner Malice would all too crudely say "The man has his head too far up his ass to have a little fun."


"All I care about is humanity. I want a better world for them. I want them to feel as free as I do."
Vahit is an ambitious man who stays on task and focuses all his energy into completing a goal. He is an intelligent tactician and a skilled mage. When he needs to, he can also be quite charismatic, easily convincing people to join his cause or do things they normally would not.


"I gave you a new life!! I provided you with this power and and you betray me, betray you're own kind!! I should break you right now, you ungrateful little worm!!!
Vahit is a bitter, spiteful person. The once forgiving and rational man has become a hot-headed and genocidal tyrant. He lacks empathy for elves and feels no remorse for the countless atrocities he's committed against them. He's prone to fits of rage which he often takes out on his own shades, often threatening to break them for the mildest transgression. He is a huge hypocrite, refusing to listen to those who say his actions make him no better than the elves.

Conflict & Motivation

  Vahit grew up in a society where humans like him were abused and shoved to the bottom rung of society constantly. A society where he and his family were never given a fair chance at life. A society where even when he put all the effort he had into making the world a better place, it was never enough.   Vahit grew to believe that elves were what was wrong with the world, and developed the idea that they were all inherently sociopaths that lacked empathy for other races. This belief turned into a deep, unrelenting hatred for elves, whom he believes if they are exterminated, the world will ultimately be a better place.   He also deeply hates their Goddess Fanenta, as he thinks it was the goddess that would turn even his close human allies against him. He wishes to collect all of The Goddess Blade not for their power, but to destroy them.



Vahit is very gloomy and brooding about everything he does, to the point of being overly dramatic. He's often found sitting alone angry about something, or staring out a window... also angry about something. Everything he does, he does to intentionally to feel intimidating, a stark contrast to how he used to be.   In the past Vahit was the type to always keep his head down, timid and afraid to speak out.


Vahit doesn't speak much, he doesn't fancy himself a very talkative person. Anything he doesn't need to say out loud he will simply write down in his journal. He's very to the point. The only time he speaks more, is if he's angry and ranting about something.




Towards Emmett Espinosa


Emmett Espinosa


Towards Vahit



Emmett was introduced to Vahit shortly after being possessed by Malice. At first Vahit was unsure about the decision to possess a human so young, but Malice insisted that possessing him younger would make him stronger in the future. Vahit still doubts this, but Emmett has proved himself a bit useful by performing odd jobs for the The Suit of Hearts under the guidance of Sherry Ligstien.  

Relationship Description
  Vahit doesn't care much for Emmett, and only talks to him when he actively being possessed by Malice. Any other time he finds him to no more than an obnoxious brat.   Emmett feels indifferent towards Vahit, not necessarily being loyal to him and only doing his job at the will of Malice and Sherry. Since he has little experience with the Fantasme, Emmett has no reason to doubt Vahit's claims about the elves, so he just runs with it.



Towards Jérémie Aumerle


Jérémie Aumerle


Towards Vahit



After Jérémie died, Vahit was the first being he encountered in the afterlife. Vahit offered him a second chance at life by becoming one of his shades. Jérémie was hesitant at first but eventually allowed him. After becoming a shade, he Vahit would convince him to slaughter his ex girlfriend as revenge, an act Jérémie would later regret.   For a long time Jérémie would kill for Vahit's cause, with his only understanding of it being what Vahit told him, that elves were a race of evil creatures that needed to be eradicated. He was so good at killing for Vahit that he was promoted as an elite and made one of his top assassins. But Jérémie felt empty, and had suspicions that something was wrong, and when he finally learn the truth, he felt disgusted with himself and rebelled.   Jérémie was the first rebellious shade Vahit ever had a problem with, as once Jérémie escaped the SHadow realm, he became impossible to track, frustrating Vahit immensely. Jérémie would later join the Goddess Knights which would be an bigger slap to the face for Vahit.  

Relationship Description
  Jérémie and Vahit are sworn enemies. Jérémie considers Vahit to be a vile, evil individual who needs to be stopped at all costs. In fact he has spent most of his life since rebelling dedicated to trying to just that as a means to own up for ever working with him.   Vahit on the other hand considers Jérémie to be a traitor to his own kind and ungrateful for the power he has been given. More over, Vahit is frustrated as his inability to do anything about is, for as much as he wishes to punish him, finding him is a whole other problem.



Towards Malice



Second in Command

Towards Vahit



During the war, Vahit was losing to the Goddess Knights, and fast. He was desperate to find something that would help him turn the war around. That something was Malice, a mysterious and powerful blue demon. He claimed to be interested in aiding him in the war, but would not go into detail why. Despite Vahit's suspicions, he couldn't deny that Malice was an incredibly powerful demon whose skills could prove crucial for the war. In the end, the two teamed up.   The next battle, Malice would come out swinging, using a possessed human to summon hordes of powerful demons onto the battle field, taking the unprepared Goddess Knights completely by surprise, and even managing to kill a few of their most prominent members. Vahit was quite impressed with Malice's performance and the two worked together to effectively win the war, driving the Goddess Knights into hiding for 20 years.  

Relationship Description
  Vahit and Malice, while making an excellent team in battle, are no where close to being 'friends'. Their opposing personalities mean when they are not on the battlefield, the butt heads frequently. Vahit doesn't completely trust Malice, as he a a sly and cunning person who doesn't always take his job seriously.   On the other hand, Vahit may well be in his right not to trust Malice.



Towards Sherry Eckstein


Sherry Eckstein


Towards Vahit



Sherry was once part of the Goddess Knight fighting against Vahit, being the thrall of the necromancer, Kalheim Aedian. However in the battle against the demon lord Malice, Kalheim fell in battle, leaving control of her life in the hands of Malice. She is now in his employ, and by extension,Vahit's.   When her memory was wiped by Malice, it was as if Sherry had met Vahit for the first time, and in this scenario, was much more willing to hear his side of the story.  

Relationship Description
As a former Goddess Knight, Sherry used to despise Vahit, however that was before her memory was taken from her. Currently she is loyal to Vahit purely because she does not remember any other version of the truth. Vahit on the other hand, finds it humorous that a former Goddess Knight, and a particularly powerful one at that, now works for him.



Towards Sarah Winter


Sarah Winter


Towards Vahit



Sarah was present for Vahit's first attack on the capitol, and the Goddess Blade compelled her to defend the city. Vahit was in utter shock when he saw a human woman wielding the very blade that once slipped from his grasp. Sarah was successful, with the help of a few other gifted warriors, in driving Vahit's forces out of the city.   Sarah would later become the leader of the Goddess Knights, a group dedicated purely to driving Vahit and his army out of the Fantasme, which made her and Vahit instant enemies, constantly trying to out maneuver the other in battle for nearly a decade.   After killing many of her closest team mates, a distraught and broken Sarah surrendered and retreated from the Fantasme, leading Vahit to believe he'd won.... until a new opponent arrived.  

Relationship Description
  Vahit was the enemy from the very beginning. Sarah new nothing more of him outside of him being a demonic warlord that had to be stopped. To her, Vahit was just 'the bad guy' of her world.   Vahit resented Sarah for being the one chosen to wield the very sword that murdered him all those years ago. Even more, it filled him with immense rage, knowing that the sword was still around and hadn't been destroyed by time.

Hunter Bryant


Towards Vahit




Towards Hunter Bryant



Vahit found Hunter after he was beaten to death, and gave him a second chance at life. Ever since, Hunter has respected Vahit, and works for him to repay him. He ended up being a very skilled shade, thus when he became an Elite, Vahit promoted him to a role on the assassin team.

Relationship Description
Hunter thinks highly of Vahit and what he stands for, but also feels as though he owes him some sort of debt for saving his life. Hunter will do sleasy, underhanded and vile things in the name of helping Vahit's agenda. He will get defensive if his loyalty towards Vahit is questioned.

Rosie Clayton


Towards Vahit




Towards Rosie Clayton



Vahit found Rosie through spying on Jeremie, and found her to be an excellent way to try and get back at him for rebelling. Originally the idea was to use her as bait to get Jeremie back, but Rosie soon proved herself to be more than just eye candy and a very capable fighter and spy when she took down the leaders of a major gang in the area.   Vahit found himself impressed by Rosie's skills, and instead focused his attention on training her to fight Jeremie. He would get close to Rosie and plant seeds of hatred for Jeremie in her mind. In fact he spent so much time with her that there were rumors that there was more going on between them and he was giving her special treatment as a result.  

Relationship Description
  Vahit seems to treat Rosie differently than other underlings, and spends quite a lot of time with her. It's rumored that the two have feelings for each other, but these are often dismissed by the two. Despite that, Vahit tends to play favorites with Rosie as well.   Rosie is not as invested in Vahit's goal for human liberation as she claims she is, and even realizes to an extend that they are hurting innocent people, but these things seem to not be enough to pull her away from the Shade's side.

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Fantasme Imagination is being mirrored on BlueWondrous Wiki, so feel free to check that out too.
Vahit when he was a mage. (19)

Cover image: by IbbyWondrous


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