Hunter Bryant

The Black Rabbit

"I can get info an anyone about anything, at a price of course."
  Hunter is a Shade the works for Vahit under the Assassin Team.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Physical Appearance

Hunter is a young African american man with vitiligo, which makes patches of his skin lose pigment and turn a pale white color. The left side of his face is particularly effected by this and makes a lumpy, vaguely heart shaped patch around his eye and the bridge of his nose. He has black hair kept in short cornrows, tho they are often hidden by his hat. Like most shades he has glowing red eyes and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth.

Shade Form

Hunters shade form appears as a large anthropomorphic rabbit made of black blood. His ears are large and geometric shaped and is much larger than a rabbits, and full of sharp teeth.


Hunter's style hasn't changed much from the 90's and he still wears bright, neon, contrasting colors. His go-to outfit consists of a lime-green windbreaker and basketball shorts. He covers his beanie and windbreaker in decorative pins. His shoes are an old brand of cream colored, faded sneakers.

Special abilities

Hunters specialty shade power allows him to break his body down into smaller creatures that he can control from a distance. He can see and hear through them, making them perfect to spy with. His most common creature to use takes the form of a small rabbit, resembling a smaller, cuter version of his Shade form.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hunter grew up in the slums of a large city with a single mother. When he was young he started losing pigment in patches of his skin, and it was quickly discovered he had a condition known as vitiligo. The condition caused him to stand out from his peers dramatically and he'd often be made fun of and called 'gross' or 'ugly'.   At some point, his mother tried to cheer him up by getting a pet, a small brown and white rabbit with spots like his on it. His mother went on to say that his differences made him special, and to her, he was as cute and handsome as the rabbit was. Hunter grew attached to the rabbit and took good care of him.   Finding friends was difficult for him, so he made them where he could, even if it meant hanging out with not the greatest of influences. In his teens he started hanging out with a group of kids who were in a gang. He was treated poorly in the group but he tolerated it, as it was the only group of friends he had. However after a few years the bullying and nasty comments he got from his own friends got to be too much and in an attempt to stand up for himself, told the boys off.   But this just made the boys angry, and they retaliated. One evening he came home to find his home had been robbed and vandalized, and on the front doorstep, the was the severed head of his pet rabbit. This infuriated Hunter, and he stormed off to find his former friends, this time with the intention to fight. However, he was greatly outnumbered. The boys beat hunter until he stopped moving, by the time they were done his body was broken and battered and his face was completely unrecognizable.


  Vahit found Hunter's soul and offered to save him by turning him into a shade. Vahit bestowed him demonic powers and strength and convinced him to harness his anger and get revenge. Late into the night, he encountered his former gang in a basketball court, who needless to say were shocked to see him 'alive'. Hunter went into a demonic rage ange absolutely slaughtered everyone there, violently dismembering them until the court was caked in blood and viscera. It was his first taste of death violence on that scale, and it became addicting.   Hunter quickly became an Elite and earned his place on the infamous Assassin Team, along with his partners Rosie Clayton and Maverick Davidson.



Morality & Philosophy

Hunter is not one to like following rules, and will often commit crimes cause they are exciting and are a "Fuck you" to 'the man'. He is however conflicted on murder. He will kill if he feels it's justified and will even take pleasure in the act, and its willing to kill for someone he trusts. However if his trust in someone is questioned, he will feel reluctant to work for them.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Hunter is an extrovert that likes going out and hanging out with friends. It likes hip-hop, dancing, drinking and just having a good time out on the town.   He's very anti-authority, and despises cops and most people with with a level of power over him. He hates seeing people being taken advantage of by people who are stronger or in a higher position.

Virtues & Personality perks

"No matter what, I'm here for you. Say the word and I'll gut a man for you."
  Hunter has a charmingly laid back attitude and quick to crack a joke. He is incredibly loyal to his friends or people he respects and would do anything for them. He is the most empathetic of the shade team, especially towards those whose hardships he can relate to. He is very clever and sneaky and is able to use his powers to out smart and out maneuver his opponents.

Vices & Personality flaws

"No! I can't be wrong about this! I know everything about everyone!"
  Hunter can be be blinded by his loyalty to others, and do awful things purely on the basis of what someone he respects said was right. He can be nosy and has issues respecting people's boundaries, often spying on them and digging up information on them, even if they are friends. This often makes him seem shady and untrustworthy. He also fights dirty, using cheap, underhanded tactics to gain an advantage over an enemy.



Hunter is pretty chilled out and is not a very loud, dramatic person. While acting confident, he tends not to make himself stand out much, and has more of a 'cool but silent' personality type to him.


He speaks very casually, but like he knows what he's talking about, he talks to most people like they are a close friend, even if in a condescending way towards his enemies. He likes to refer to his opponents as 'buddy' and 'pal' in a sarcastic tone.


Hunter Bryant


Towards Emmett Espinosa


Emmett Espinosa


Towards Hunter Bryant



Hunter became a shade a few years before Malice became second in command, thus he knew him long before he possessed Emmett. Being distrustful of Malice, Hunter did some snooping on Emmett, and eventually met the kid first hand. Despite his dislike of Malice, he found Emmett rather endearing, and empathized with his situation dealing with gangs and living on the street.  

Relationship Description
  Emmett and Hunter have a sort of sibling relationship, and Hunter acts as a kind of older brother to Emmett and will buy him food and things he needs to survive. Sometimes he'll just hang out with him and keep him company. Hunter can get a bit protective over Emmett and can get upset if he's threatened.

Hunter Bryant


Towards Rosie Clayton


Rosie Clayton


Towards Hunter Bryant



Hunter met Rosie when he first joined the Assassin Team.  

Relationship Description
Hunter and Rosie are pretty close as they are the two more outgoing members. Rosie often treats Hunter like a kid since he is the youngest and shortest in the group, and teases him often.

Hunter Bryant


Towards Maverick Davidson


Maverick Davidson


Towards Hunter Bryant



Hunter and Maverick met when Hunter first joined the Assassin Team.  

Relationship Description
  Hunter and Maverick have a pretty solid relationship, but it is a more professional one. They tend not to meet eye to eye on many of their interests, but Maverick will still hang out with Hunter simply cause he's bored or lonely.

Hunter Bryant


Towards Vahit




Towards Hunter Bryant



Vahit found Hunter after he was beaten to death, and gave him a second chance at life. Ever since, Hunter has respected Vahit, and works for him to repay him. He ended up being a very skilled shade, thus when he became an Elite, Vahit promoted him to a role on the assassin team.

Relationship Description
Hunter thinks highly of Vahit and what he stands for, but also feels as though he owes him some sort of debt for saving his life. Hunter will do sleasy, underhanded and vile things in the name of helping Vahit's agenda. He will get defensive if his loyalty towards Vahit is questioned.

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Generic article | Jul 23, 2021

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Mirror Link
Fantasme Imagination is being mirrored on BlueWondrous Wiki, so feel free to check that out too.
African American
November 20th (Scorpio)
1977 AD 1994 AD 17 years old
Circumstances of Death
Beaten to Death
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark with pale patches
Aligned Organization
Family Ties
Launa Bryant (Mother)
Friends & Allies

Rosie Clayton

Maverick Davidson

Emmett Espinosa

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Cover image: by IbbyWondrous


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