Jarrak Forest Geographic Location in Dragonía | World Anvil
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Jarrak Forest

Þóvarían: Júríar
Jarrak Forest1 forms the southern part of the woodlands which dominate the western edge of the Dragonían continent, with Ela'k Forest forming the northern part. It's bordered by the southernmost part of the Plain of Spirits to the east and southeast, Ilkigit Sea to the southwest and Vúrakesen Mountains to the west.
The northwestern part of the region used to be inhabited by Alalaríans and later Útels until around 6000 b.Dr, but since then the lupine Þóvaríans have been the only people living in Jarrak Forest.


The northernmost part of Jarrak Forest is similar to that southern Ela'k Forest, featuring near-subtropical climate and dense undergrowth, the rest is evergreen subtropical woods except for southernmost part along the coast, which features borderline tropical climate. The forest is notably denser than Ela'k Forest due to lack of large settlements.
The main landmarks of the region are Húrr River which flows through the eastern part of the woods and drains into Ilkigit Sea, and Erra Lake to the northwest, the cradle of Útel civilization which was abandoned after a devastating plague ravaged the settlements around the lake.
The border between Jarrak- and Ela'k Forest is marked by a long line of palisades and watchtowers known as the Reþokúl Wall, built by the Útels millennia ago to defend themselves from the þóvaríans.

Fauna & Flora

Several species of apes inhabit Jarrak Forest, including Tíþenk Apes, closest relatives of the Útels, as well as Júkner Goats and wolves, as well as animals found in Ela'k Forest such as Ykan Birds, rabbits and giant salamanders.
Aside from mundane wolves, three species of bipedal ones -collectively known as þóharrans2- roam the western woods; júhrens3 inhabit the coastal region to the south, kerrans4 the eastern foothills of Vúrakesen Mountains, and þrójarrans5 the area around Erra Lake. Although closely related to the Þóvaríans, they are not sapient.

1Original icelandic: Jarrakskógur
2þóharrar, singular: þóharri
3júhrenar, singular: júhreni
4kerrar, singular: kerri
5þrójarrar, singular: þrójarri
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