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Plain of Spirits

Útelic: Móerg'aned
Amederic: Moranit

The Plain of Spirits1 stretches from the coast of Klalaþan Sea in the west to the western banks of Ett River in the east, beyond which lies the Plain of Kings and Þrihakía.
The name came to being after the destruction of the Móerkels, as many Útels and Ameders believe the region to be haunted by the countless ghosts of those who perished when a mysterious monster laid waste to the Móerkels civilization. Before that tragedy, the region was simply known as Móerg, or the steppe.
Today, the Plain of Spirits is dotted with city ruins, characterized by huge mounds which originally served as acropoleis, many of which are now inhabited by the native Knárs. The Ameders have established colonies along the coast of Klalaþan Sea, some of which are built on such ruins.


Several rivers flow through the Plain of Spirits; Laanl River flows to the northeast from Krystó Ridge in Kanix Forest until it merges with the river Óv, the latter moving along the southern parts of the plain towards Ela'k Forest. Other, shorter rivers are found to the west, namely Harlú River, Móerga River and Þenaa River.

1Original icelandic: Andaslétta
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