Bay of Lúrrtún Geographic Location in Dragonía | World Anvil
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Bay of Lúrrtún

Mlúkrok: Lúrrtún /lur:thu:n/

The Bay of Lúrrtún1 is a roughly semi-circular region in the northern Ilkigit Sea in southwestern Dragonía, south of the Vorran Peninsula and bounded by krokish territories of Lóal to the west, Kútvor to the north and Narrok to the east.
While no capitals are located by the bay, a number of towns and villages are found there that provide settlements further inland with seafood and goods such as pearls, corals, turtle- and seashells in exchange for metals, Lightstones and spices.


The only major river that drains into Bay of Lúrrtún is Epvor River to the east.

Fauna & Flora

The relatively shallow sea in the bay is home to one of the largest coral reefs in Dragonía, where the biodiversity rivals that of the entire Vorran Peninsula. Notable species includes Vlarks and Emnaa basses.

1Original icelandic: Lúrrtúnflói.
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