Mlúkrok Language in Dragonía | World Anvil
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Mlúkrok is the language spoken by the Kroks inhabiting the Vorran Peninsula in westernmost Dragonía and -to much lesser extent- a few cities of the Jaarels under the Vúrakesen Mountains.
The language has changed remarkably little since the Kroks migrated to the peninsula from Kvaror -a region northeastern Múlíat Mountains in southern Dragonía- millennia ago, with only the dialects used in the far western and eastern parts of the region being mutually unintelligible, though most dialects have a few different terms for local fauna and flora.
Jaarel loanwords are also used to some extend by eastern Kroks due to extensive trade with them for centuries, but communications between the two peoples can be difficult and usually involves sign language, as Kroks cannot pronounce certain common sounds used by the Jaarels (such as G, J and X), and the latter often have difficulty distinguishing between the different r-sounds used by the Kroks.

Writing System

Mlúkrok is unique among the languages of western Dragonía for being written with an alphabet rather than a logograph, which was developed after the Kroks migrated to the peninsula, first to keep track on bartering and other deals and, later on, to write down laws, myths and legends.
The former are usually written on palm-leaves or pieces of tree-bark, while the latter are carved on stone or -more recently- metal tablets and stored in archives at the meeting place within each Krokish territory. Each letter consists of a long, horizontal line with a few extra lines added to it.

Mlúkrok is not the only writing system ever used by the Kroks, however, as before their migration westwards they had adopted from their (now extinct) cousins another alphabet based on one used by the Kóhans. Since it didn't represent many of the sounds used by the Kroks, it became obsolete soon after the invention of mlúkrok, and now only exists in the form of carvings on a few boulders back in Kvaror.
Mlúkrok alphabet


Some words
  Avlirrem: World of the living.
Eretvó: Star-studded back (name of a small rodent brought from Kvaror)
Rra: Hatchery.
Vorran: Myriad trees.
Vúrlú: Harmony.
Spoken by


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