Plain of Kings Geographic Location in Dragonía | World Anvil
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Plain of Kings

The Plain of Kings1 is the eastern part of the great plains of northern Dragonía, stretching from the Ett River to the west to the Narra'tonei Sea in the east, between Þrihakía to the south and a stretch of the Plain of Spirits separating the region from Kanix Forest to the north.
The region has been inhabited by Mörkels for almost 800 years.


The land is considerably more fertile than the rest of the great plains, safe for the coast of the Klalaþan Sea to the west, both because of a number of rivers and lakes in the region as well as it being heavily affected by the element of Earth.
The main rivers on the plain are Ett River and Óv to the west- the latter flowing from Tasúl Lake nestled within the Fökan Hills- and Ellú River, Draapei River and Takakatys River to the east. At the heart of the region is Fekai Lake, while southeast of Tasúl Lake there are marshes where Naba Lake used to be until it dried up during the late fourth century a.Dr.

Fauna & Flora

The local fauna is dominated by mammals and flightless birds, though several species of large reptiles are found there as well. Large herbivores such as Hyrnings, Gírks and Klúas and Rekan Birds, while still common, were found in huge numbers before the arrival of the Mörkels. Notable predators and scavengers include Förns, Meðas, Garas, Sönakad Wolves and Erlen Lizards, the latter which have been domesticated by the Mörkels to protect homes from thieves and vermin.
Among notable plants found on the Plain of Kings are Nilla Shrubs and öndal, the former being endemic to the Fökan Hills while the latter is a kind of grain which is found throughout the region.
1Original icelandic: Konungaslétta


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