Garas Species in Dragonía | World Anvil
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Garas1 are large reptiles often found along the coastline of Narra'tonei Sea in eastern Dragonía, especially the coastal regions of the Plain of Kings and Þrihakía. The Mörkels of the Plain of Kings regard them as vermin and bringers of misfortune, due to the garas' habit of stealing dried fish and rummaging through waste.

Basic Information


Garas are stocky and generally slow-moving reptiles, though they instinctively sprint towards the sea when threatened, and are adequate swimmers. The head is relatively large compared to the body and supports powerful jaws, strong enough to break bones with ease.

Genetics and Reproduction

Female garas lay numerous eggs in a hole in the sand and cover it afterwards before leaving. The hatchlings are already able to fend for themselves once they crawl up on the surface.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Garas mostly live on fish, crustaceans, eggs and whatever carcasses they find on the shore, including stranded Tóvenkaras (large marine reptiles), though they are highly opportunistic and often search for food in piles of waste near coastal mörkel settlements.
Bolder garas are infamous for stealing dried fish and other food left unattended, or attacking stray Erlen Lizards and even young children.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Eating gara meat is taboo among Mörkels and Þrihaks, as it's believed to cause misfortune, since the creatures' scavenging habits means they often harbour a number of parasites and diseases, though unscrupulous mörkels are known to add a bit of gara meat into other people's food to curse them.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Their territory stretches from the coast between Kanix Forest and the Plain of Kings to the north and all the way south to the northern coast of Nep Peninsula, beyond which the climate becomes either too cold or arid, respectively.
Garas on the Plain of Kings are occasionally seen along the banks of the rivers there, having swum up the rivers in search for fish.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Garas mostly rely on their sight and hearing to find food and avoid danger.

1Original icelandic: görur, singular: gara
by Lappalingur
Coast of Narra'tonei Sea.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The scales are the same colour as the sand on the beach they inhabit, making them less visible when resting or sneaking up on prey. On the back and tail are also loose flaps of green skin resembling seaweed, further enhancing the camouflage.


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