Dried hyrning dung
Like the Gobíls in southern and southwestern mainland Dragonía, the Mörkels and -to lesser extent- Þrihaks on the Plain of Kings and Þrihakía, respectively, have long been reliant on using dried dung as a source of fuel for their fires to make up for the relative lack of trees in the region.
This allows them to use timber primarily for making structures, tools and weapons instead, as well as making charcoals for smelting metals such as gold and bronze, particularly in the western kingdoms, as most trees and bushes there have long since been cleared to make room for fields and pastures by rivers and lakes. However, as trade with the Ameders to the north became established throughout the different Mörkel kingdoms, the use of dried dung as fuel has lessened somewhat in favor of imported timber and charcoal produced in the boreal Kanix Forest instead, though the former is still an important part of traditional cuisine and as fertilizer.
Among the Þrihaks on the southern Plain of Kings and Þrihakía beyond, it still remains the most common source of fuel due to the relatively barren landscape of these regions.
This allows them to use timber primarily for making structures, tools and weapons instead, as well as making charcoals for smelting metals such as gold and bronze, particularly in the western kingdoms, as most trees and bushes there have long since been cleared to make room for fields and pastures by rivers and lakes. However, as trade with the Ameders to the north became established throughout the different Mörkel kingdoms, the use of dried dung as fuel has lessened somewhat in favor of imported timber and charcoal produced in the boreal Kanix Forest instead, though the former is still an important part of traditional cuisine and as fertilizer.
Among the Þrihaks on the southern Plain of Kings and Þrihakía beyond, it still remains the most common source of fuel due to the relatively barren landscape of these regions.
History & Usage
The Móerkels, common ancestors of the Mörkels and Þrihaks who once inhabited the Plain of Spirits to the west, were the first elakic peoples to use dried dung to some extent, especially in the provinces further away from Ela'k Forest, their ancestral home, though they mostly used droppings produced by Rekan Birds and rabbits.
Everyday use
Aside from being a fertilizer and fuel for the fire, dried hyrning dung is also used for smoking meat and to some extent fish, and is in fact preferred by most Mörkels instead of wood as it produces a slightly different taste.