Krystó Ridge Geographic Location in Dragonía | World Anvil
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Krystó Ridge

Krystó Ridge1 is a mountain range in mid-western Kanix Forest, not far from the coast of Ahix Sea. The Ameder city-state of Krystos rules the region, with its capital nestled in a valley close to the source of Laanl River.
A number of caves are found in the mountains, some of which are used as tombs.

Natural Resources

Krystó Ridge is the only source of föð-lút, a material found in Taarzirin Cave above the city of Krystos which has similar appearance and consistency as snow, but doesn't melt, though it can be treated to become transparent. The use of this material is restricted to Krystos, as it disintegrates when brought a certain distance away from the cave.

1Original icelandic: Krystóhryggur
Mountain Range
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Materials


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