
Thick red sands, dominated by Bulettes.

— Kannak Trophy Hunting Advertisement.
    Heading a week north from the town of Wetroot, the terrain transitions to valleys and hills that herald the nature of the Mesa. As one tops the final hills, or weaves through the penultimate valleys, the air takes on the salty smell of the sea. The sight of the wide and long barrier that holds back the sands of the mesa causes many to turn back, realizing that the lands ahead were not made for man.   The southern edge of the mesa is cut off in the majority by the Crimson Basin, a vast basin filled with thick brackish saltwater stained red by the sands it borders. Few creatures live in these waters, the majority of life being fierce crocodiles and some sea life that has transitioned to this realm with the aid of travelers. However, the transit to the lands beyond the water has the most radical shift. The dips and heights of the preceding valleys and hills barely comparing to the maze like sands, dunes and steep cliffs that dominate the region.   The sands of the mesa rumble and shift without the influence of the notable tremors in the Feng Mountains just north of the region. For under the sands, carving new paths and canyons into the region are fearsome Bulettes which are extremely common in the area. Wetroot and Kannak are the cities closest to the region, both open massive bounties on the Bulettes in the summer months to help in the collection of creatures for the production of Bulette Powder.   Following the opening of these bounties in the early months of summer, large hordes of adventurers and warriors flood over the gore-remniscent waterway and make a pilgrimage across the shifting sands, carrying goods and slaying Bulettes to as they make their way to Kannak where they redeem their bounties. Many choose to return in the same manner to redeem a second set of bounties at Wetroot.   However, outside of the city of Kannak, the region is not populated in any real sense beyond a number of wandering tribes. Any larger groups are often scattered and destroyed by Bulettes defending their territories or newly surfaced Bulette carving out their own.  


The Mesa is a maze of hills and cliffs that dig through the sands and change with the many valleys and paths carved into the region by Bulettes.  

Flora and Fauna

Hobgoblins and other goblinoids are common to the region, as are the massive, fearsome creatures that are Bulettes, beyond these, there are species of cacti and many birds of prey that favor the region.

Natural Resources

The biggest resource of the Mesa is the export of Bulette Powder The hunting of Bulettes and strict control of their population is a massive industry in the region.   However, other Bulette related resources such as Bulette Eggs and Bulette Wine are also common as are the engines of Airships and Modern Trains.
Alternative Name(s)
Blood Plains, Sands of Terror
Location under
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Where are these quotes from?

Kannak Trophy Hunting Advertisement sourced from the Kannak court records on multiple counts of criminal negligence, attempted murder and attempts to steal gold at the cost of blackmail and being potentially left as Bulette food.

Cover image: by HelHeim


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Jan 6, 2019 05:41

Interesting. Good visual imagery, and the setting itself is nicely done. Although I have a few questions: if there are massive beasts roaming under the sands, how are the areas around the mesa kept safe? Are there alarms if an underground creature attacks a nearby city, are there any forms of defenses built to keep the beasts of the sand in an enclosed area? Overall, good worldbuilding.

Jan 6, 2019 19:39 by Dejers Garth

Very few people live near the Mesa, the nearest large town that isn't Kannak, is Wetroot and is a weeks journey from the area. Simply put, people stay away from it because of the massive beasts.   That does come into the question of why bulettes remain there, that's mostly attributed to the intense territorial nature of the species. They rarely expand from the area because the rock and area is favorable and when they surface, they feel the land they surface in is to be their territory. The fact that other things live there doesn't really matter to them, kill or be killed!   Kannak is protected by vigilant guards and being built atop an extremely thick, hard variety of rock that Bulettes don't seem to be able to burrow through!   Thanks for the comment! :D

Jan 6, 2019 09:39 by R. Dylon Elder

This seems silly to me but i really want to ask why the basin water is red...sorry if that seems cheap but I'm really curious cause most of the article is pretty descriptive. Is it kept a secret? Apart from this, i like the opening quote. This idea of wealthy people coming here "to hunt" is what it implies to me and that's a real-world thing. In South Africa, ads just like that exist and wealthy people with that actually hire others to catch a large game and call themselves fishermen. Really nice touch. Everything else seems fine though. I did notice in the last paragraph you misspell bulletes. It has 1 L in there, the other ran away. I would also recommend you give a brief summary of what a bullete is or provide an image. I assume it's the classic and monster? (Take note I'm on mobile and if you have an excerpt set up for it to hover, i can't see it XD) great article!

Jan 6, 2019 19:43 by Dejers Garth

Good catch on the red water, I fixed that up a bit! It's realistically high amounts of iron or similar. :D   For the advertisement; I specifically looked up old trophy hunting adverts and tried to mimic the writing and give a solid feeling of this being thought of in some circles as a big thing to do.   On the topic of the Bulettes, the initial mention has a link to their article which also acts as an excerpt, but yeah. The classic D&D monster. :D Images are a future task, that time has not yet arrived.   Thanks for the comment!

Jan 7, 2019 13:07

I do like how evocative most of your language here is. You also do a good job painting a picture of what life looks like in the region. However, I feel like it gets a bit repetitive on some areas and sometimes the flow is interrupted a bit. I think that if you go back over and change some of your word choices a lot of that would be fixed. You have a good starting point, it just needs a little reworking in some of the language. For example, try using words other than basin when describing the Red Basin. Try to see if any other words capture what you are trying to describe. You also might want to include some of the creatures described when mentioning the Basin, such as the crocodiles, in your Flora and Fauna section. One question I do have is how the Goblinoids are organized. When mentioning that there typically aren't large tribes or groups, does this also extend to the Goblinoids? Why are Goblins and Hobgoblins prevelent here? Is there a certain feature about the region that draws them in, or are they more pushed to the fringes of more polite society?

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