
The Northern Continent of Arydia, the only accessible continent.

Arydia - Ithungsida
The latest map of Ithungsida, made by our amazing Pumpkinhead9092!
Ithungsida is 3713*2115(In Miles)   At it's widest point, (Eastern edge of the Southern Desert desert to just past Eami) Ithungsida is 3713 miles(5975.494Km) wide.   At it's longest point, (Kaldr to the furthest shores along the Mountains of Vhaskus) Ithungsida is roughly 2115 miles(3403.763Km) wide.


  • Arydia - Ithungsida(Old Version)
    An older map of IthungSida.
  • Arydia - Ithungsida
    The latest map of Ithungsida, made by our amazing Pumpkinhead9092!

Articles under Ithungsida


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Dec 29, 2018 21:47 by Lyraine Alei

I really like how this category divides up the regions without cluttering the Table of Contents - I might "Steal" this set up for my own world. XD

Lyraine, Consumer of Lore, She/Her, primary project: Corive
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