Spooktober 2023 in Valtena | World Anvil

Spooktober 2023

This article contains basic information. It's not yet in the in-world style. If you'd like to learn more about this topic, please let me know so I can finish writing this article!
This article is still a Work in Progress. It's still receiving updates to content, formatting, or links. Please check back later for the final version!
This article is a stub and contains minimal information. If you'd like to learn more about this topic, please let me know so I can add basic information.
Spooktober is now over. It was great fun thinking up new things to add to my world! For the challenge, all the articles had to be made with the generic template. The permanent articles are being remade in the correct template type and contain all the same information until I get around to expanding them. During the challenge, for my own sanity, I set myself the minimum word count of 100 words, so these all contain basic information. Check out the spooktober2023 tag to find all the articles for this challenge.


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Oct 24, 2023 01:00

What a lot of spooky stuff! Is "Challenge Quarantine" a special category you've created to sequester items written only for challenges (as in, not necessarily part of your world's regular storylines, etc.)?