Dynkr Bonesplitter Torkus Character in Valtena | World Anvil

Dynkr Bonesplitter Torkus

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Dynkr was a dwarf and member of the Bonesplitter Clan who was known for his skills as a summoner. He was born with the magical ability, though like with most dwarves, it didn't manifest until he was nearly twenty years old. There weren't any tutors to teach him how to control his magic beyond the basics. Nearly all of his spells were self taught, and he kept a detailed journal of all his experiments. In particular, he became extremely proficient at summoning ore out of the rocks. Thanks to his magic, he became an instrumental part of his clan's mines. One day, there was a cave in where Dynkr was trapped along with several other dwarves. He summoned supplies and food to help keep everyone alive while they waited for larger excavation equipment to rescue them. He eventually died of old age having fathered a dozen children.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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