Massacre at Kvrn Gol Military Conflict in Valtena | World Anvil

Massacre at Kvrn Gol

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The massacre took place during the war between Otorveia and Crkvu. The Otorim beseiged the walled town for four months during the war. Kvrn Gol was a major logging town located near the Cenil River which led deeper into the country. The town was able to hold out throughout the winter due to some support from nearby cities. Early in the spring, the seige broke when the Otorim army stormed the walls of the town and ransacked and burned the town. Major "Frenzied Boar" Hanasir led the assault and ordered the cavalry to run down civilians fleeing the town and kill them. Those who were trapped were rounded up and brought to the nearby field along the riverbank. Everyone was shot including women and children. The river ran red with blood. After the war, a large memorial was set up on the field, but the town was never rebuilt. It's believed that the spirits of the deceased still cry out at night in the area.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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