Marsh Python Species in Valtena | World Anvil

Marsh Python

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Marsh Pythons are snakes which are native to Nazara. They're large snakes which can grow up to be two meters long. They mostly hunt small mammals and reptiles. They're rarely dangerous to lizardfolk, but they have been known to bite when feeling cornered or threatened. While not venomous to large animals, they do have a venomous bite which can paralyze smaller animals. They are capable of swimming and have dark brown and green scales which help them blend in the marshy landscape. Females tend to be larger than males, and they build underground nests in the mud along the banks of rivers. They eat bog frogs when they can catch them, but the frogs are often too quick for the snakes. Some people keep the pythons as pets, but most people are taught to stay well clear of them.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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