Miss Marigold's Tea Bar Building / Landmark in Valtena | World Anvil

Miss Marigold's Tea Bar

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Miss Margigold's Tea Bar is a nonalcoholic bar on Polta Island. It's a well known spot for young adults and creative types. The bar doesn't serve any alcohol. Instead, it offers a wide array of teas, some of which have magical, hallucinogenic, or psychoactive properties. There are also normal teas. The bar is built with a large open main floor adorned with couches, rugs to lay on with plush pillows, and low tables. Artists can set up easels where there's free space. There's a second half floor known as "the deck" with tables and oil lamps for lighting. There are a couple shelves full of games and books. It's a homey place and well received as an alternative to more traditional bars.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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