Ghost of Mel Lake Myth in Valtena | World Anvil

Ghost of Mel Lake

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Every summer, dozens of people flock to Mel Lake where they take up residence in their summer homes. During the day, the lake is quiet and still. But at night, you might hear a groaning sound echo across the shores. On the darkest nights of summer, you might even hear a girl laughing and the sound of splashing coming from the lake. But while you're tucked up warm and safe in your cabin, don't venture outside. Ten years ago, there was a young man who owned a house on the far shore. He liked to live away from everyone else, and everyone was content to leave him be. He brought his new bride to the lake to celebrate. She was beautiful with golden hair and pale blue eyes while he had raven black hair and even darker eyes. They spent an entire week in their cabin, but on the last night, he took her out still wearing her wedding dress. They went swimming, and her dress swirled about her in the water. But there was something dark and sinister about him, and he sought to preserve her perfect wife for eternity. The young man jumped off his boat and dragged her down to the bottom of the lake kicking and shrieking, but no one could hear her. Or if they did, no one came to her rescue. Come dawn, all the people saw was an empty boat adrift in the middle of the lake and one pair of footsteps leading away from the far shore. The woman was never seen again. And to this day, she haunts the lake and drowns any who answer her call.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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