Well of Lorka Building / Landmark in Valtena | World Anvil

Well of Lorka

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The well of Lorka is a strange and mysterious well located outside of the town of Lorka. The locals know to avoid the well, but travellers often stumble upon the well. It's located in a grove in a dense forest without any visible rivers. Most of the water that supports life is underground. Thirsty people will come to the well and drink from it only to experience nausea and pain an hour later. The flowers that grow around the well offer the antidote, but outside of the town, most people aren't aware of that. The well has claimed many lives, but wild animals tend to eat the bodies before they can be recovered. In Lorka, there's a children's song which warns of not going to well, but if you do to eat the flowers.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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