Cloaking Ships Technology / Science in Valtena | World Anvil

Cloaking Ships

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Among pirates, the most useful kind of mage is an illusionist. They can learn how to cloak entire ships, and while it isn't an easy spell nor one that can be maintained, a well timed cloaking spell while sneaking up on an unsuspecting merchant can be the difference between an easy victory or a hard fight. Most mages who know the spell can only hold it for ten to fifteen minutes. It's most often used during storms or fog or to hide in a chase. Some mages can hold the spell for up to an hour. The spell is also used to hide movements while the ship maneuvers to get the weather gage. While cloaked, it appears that the ship isn't there at all, but magic and other forces will still interact with the ship. One of the most common ways to detect it is to create large waves which will crash over the ship. Magic pulses from divination mages can also penetrate through the illusion.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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