Deep Elves Ethnicity in Valtena | World Anvil

Deep Elves

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Deep elves are a rare group of elves who live deep underground. They worship Hathchan and Amel instead of Tauna. Among the other elves, their existence is taboo, and no one speaks about them. Their skin is pale and nearly translucent, and they never leave their subterranean homes. Sunlight blinds them. Through their inherent magic, they can see perfectly well in total darkness. They were originally a group of elves who fought against the High Elves about where to settle and call their home. Once the seed was planted, they were exiled to the desert where they wandered for a hundred years before coming to the mountains and being given a warm reception by the dwarves. The elves who had been rejected by Tauna then turned to Hathchan and felt a calling to descend deeper than even where the dwarves would go. They made their home in the mountains and began tunneling through the stone under the land and developing their own kingdoms.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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