Harvest Festival Tradition / Ritual in Valtena | World Anvil

Harvest Festival

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The Harvest Festival is a large celebration celebrated by centaurs in autumn when the grain harvests are concluded. The celebration is dedicated to their goddess Menaan who's the goddess of agriculture. The festival begins about a minor cycle before the last day of the harvest with a portion of the crop being set aside for the sacrifice to Menaan. Then, on the final day, when the last crop is harvested, there is a grand procession back to the center of the village and given to the families with children born that year. The feast lasts for several days, and there are usually a couple days spent just preparing enough food to feed the village and all the families that come in to visit. There's a large communal meal that lasts for an entire day. Food is brought out fairly continuously, and people can come and go freely from the table.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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