Human Funerals in Otorveia Tradition / Ritual in Valtena | World Anvil

Human Funerals in Otorveia

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Among the humans in Otorveia, funerals are dedicated to the god Ril. He is responsible for shepherding the souls to his domain. The rites start upon first discovering the body when a short prayer is recited asking for the soul to be guided to the underworld and reconnected with Ril. The body is then brought to the temple, or in the case of small villages, it's laid out in the main room of the house. Prayers are then recited to preserve the body from decay while the family and close friends are brought together to mourn. Traveling monks frequently attend to these more remote villages. A priest or monk is required for the main funeral service where it is dressed with sacred oils and then buried. Until the next new moon of the major cycle, the family keeps vigil over the grave reciting prayers at midnight and commemorating various moments of the individual's life. This is also the time when more distant relations come to visit and pay their respects to the dead. At times, multiple families may be keeping vigil at once each over their own graves. At the new moon, the final prayers are read, and the vigil ends. Each year, memorials are held in rememberance of the dead. They are typically read by a priest, but personal devotions are also allowed.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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