Good Cycle Society Organization in Valtena | World Anvil

Good Cycle Society

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The Good Cycle Society is a guild of clock makers in Otorveia. They are known for producing very high quality luxury clocks and pocket watches. They were the first clock guild and are sometimes in conflict with a newer pocket watch guild which often caters to a less affluent clientele. Their collections are known even outside of the empire, and in Kealriv, they were commissioned to create the grand clock tower for the Ekkino Institute. Their clocks are able to tell time and track the moon cycles. Their most famous series is called the Dual Cycle Clock. It runs off a magic source and spell which they don't reveal to anyone removing the need to wind the clock as with normal clocks and pocket watches. The clock is built to order and takes about six major cycles from start to completion. Their most affordable clock is the Ticking Clock which uses weights and springs to operate and does need to be wound periodically to continue telling time.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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