Smiling Mirror Item in Valtena | World Anvil

Smiling Mirror

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The Smiling Mirror is a magical mirror which acts like a normal mirror. However, anyone who looks into it sees strange things happening in the background that aren't visible anywhere else. Exactly what the person sees varies, but the most common reports are of a smiling hag, a tall orc with unusually long arms that almost touch the ground staring off into the distance. It's always some kind of figure that appears odd or grotesque in some way. The distance varies, and some people have reported that each time they look into the mirror, the figure moves closer and closer. No one knows exactly who made it or where it comes from. The mirror just appears on its own to be found. And people who had it usually try to get rid of it, but sometimes it just goes missing on its own.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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