Icebreaker Ships Vehicle in Valtena | World Anvil

Icebreaker Ships

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Icebreaker ships exist in the northernmost regions of the world and are used to break apart ice floes that form on the ocean. They are specially designed and built to withstand the ramming action. They have an egg shape and are reinforced with double planking and metal banding near the waterline. They are also outfitted with a blade at the front of the ship to help them cut through the ice. They also use a special kind of tar that has a natural antifreeze element. The most famous ships are Alanea and Orski Palon. The people in northern Kos have been building ships capable of cutting through the ice, but for centuries, they could only work when the ice was newly frozen over and weren't capable of cutting through large sheets. Also, there was a strong risk of them getting frozen in.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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