Dalnas Settlement in Valtena | World Anvil


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Dalnas is a town located in southern Crkvu. It lies out in the open surrounded by wide pastures and doesn't have so much as a fence around the town. It was first developed during the Era of the Dragon Kings due to the unique cattle that graze on the land. Dal cattle are a special breed. They're fairly small and graze on the grass around Dalnas which gives the meat a unique earthy and almost spicy flavor. It was favored by the dragon lords for feeding their dragons, and historically, there was a dragon lord stationed in the town to protect it. Due to this, they didn't need other defences. After the fall of the dragon kings, the town continued on this time selling their meat to merchants. However, it's located out of the way and not near any major waterways or strategic locations. It's been left alone from attack and hasn't needed to build more than a couple watch towers for protection.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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