Season 5, Episode 9: "Nightbreaker" Report Report in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Season 5, Episode 9: "Nightbreaker" Report

General Summary

Across the Pact Worlds, two important conflicts began in coordinated unison. The first, in Night, was seldom ever heard of by the public, known only by the most dedicated mystics and historians of the Dream Team. The latter, the interruption of the 317 AG Pact Summit, would become a milestone in the legend of the galaxy. A stepping stone to the end of days.  

Tragedy at the Gala

No longer stunned by the arrival of Trelmarixian, the Dream Team snapped to action -- but none were faster than Carsai the King. Flying high, he surrounded the entire Culinarium in a planar barrier, enforcing it with his will as the Crawling Chaos, stopping a number of his enemies' plans in their tracks. But Mist could not be delayed, and chose to follow through with the will of Chamas.   Invoking the Blessing of the Hunter, the Ysoki hurled a bolt of fiery energy at Jun Zhao, which was immediately reflected by Alexander Marcus, and then returned again by Flay, using the Blessing of the Shield of Light. All across the galaxy, mortalkind watched as the duo destroyed the gala's cultural guest, and governments across the stars snapped into action. But a shade of the mad scientist still remained... A black ghost that howled away on the winds, eerily similar to the effect seen at the death of Mining Team 3.   Back on the Idari, the fight at the hotel continued, as Ozz arrived to summon armor onto Lockette, Isra, and Skiv -- the later of which stablized after a recent onslaught. Valentina cautioned against lengthy reunions, and instead moved the two halves of the Dream Team together, Skipping all her allies directly to the gala.   They arrived just in time to watch Carsai disintegrate Flay, and for a number of the seedier individuals (like Hush and Hades) to flee the party. Alexander Marcus summoned an army of shades from within his own shadow, changing their appearance to the Dream Team's, and cried out in mock horror as they began attacking the downed councilours.   While Hamat was able to save Imryll Novaheart and a few others, he was forced to flee with what he could carry. Confluence attempted to use Chad's mental link with the Dream Team to influence them, but was blocked by the latter's psyche, who used his last bits of will to shatter the connection, resulting in the Barathu fleeing the Culinarium.   Isra and Cornelius became Jestyr's target, who was soon backed up by the arrival of the Gorgon, hot on the heels of the Guardians of the Basin. Together, the two knife-wielders killed Isra and her companion, reducing them to ash.   While initially trading shots with Idryll and Uma Pencile, Shalema was forced to allow them to flee, stepping in to help Tesin against Trinity. When it became clear that the battle was lost -- particularly after Chess ordered the Chessboard Conclave to retreat, with Caesura removing most of the innocents with him -- Ololot surrounded his daughter, thrusting them out of the barrier and into space, where Tesin then returned to the planes of Night...   Sensing a chance to escape with the Aga Jain, Mist fled the dining hall, but the Jester sensed his pain, and the despair his knives could cause... He stabbed the Ysoki in the back with the Eclipse Malkin, and then engaged Nawa Jin in mighty conflict.   Watching helplessly as Valentina engaged in similar conflict with Alexander, Nicholas Carter realized that only Lockette was left... And that the potential for damage was high. With an apology on his lips, he loosed four bullets into the Android's skull, sending her crumbling into sparkling dust.   Seen only in the haze before death, Valentina smiled as Nicholas vanished, and pulled a necklace made of pure energy from her dress. Nawa Jin balked, and fled on a ray of light, taking the last of his power with him.   The Culinarium exploded, with only Carsai, Alexander, and Valentina still inside it...  

The Nightbreaker Incident

Tesin arrived at Night in a flash, now witness to the trespassers that dare come for her home. In a liminal space between Night and Ezorod, Carrot fought with Catherine, Herald of the Horseman of Death. Eshtayiv's Voice had broken free from its prison, fighting off attacks from a raving Nightshade, backed by Folda, Crimson, and the Void Coven of the Crucible. All about the battlefield, the Daughters of Night, Ilvarti, and Melody did their best to tip the scales, fighting desperately until backup arrived.   Flying on the Wings of Night, imbued with the power of the Master of Ezorod, Tesin sent the shard of the Eshtayiv back to its prison, and swallowed the Void Coven in a Caliginous Embrace. Carrot used the distraction to banish Folda, and the Daughters split their attention across the leftovers, bringing the Void Hags low, and forcing Crimson to flee.   As the hags burned in Pyric flame, slowly converting to Pyric Heliacuses, the Queen of Night sank her psychic knives into Old Nanite's skull. She quickly revealed their intended plot -- which included drowning Carrot in the River Styx, and taking over Night -- and the location of the Fivefold Cauldron, hidden away in the Diaspora.   It was a nigh-total victory for the forces of the starlight hours. But while the Lord of Night was proud of his family, he saw grim tidings as he looked to the sealed barrier around Ezorod, and the flooded River Styx...   They were trapped.  

The Phoenix Dragon's Blessing

Over the next four days, Isra and Cornelius woke together... In the wild jungles of Safarae. Flay crawled out of an abandoned hut in the Ikal Expanse, and found her home on fire. Lockette lulled into consciousness in Typhoon, something gone wrong during her rebirth... A core the blessing could not carry. Just before her eyes fluttered closed, she looked at an exact copy of her own face, devoid of life. Chamas woke in a rage, his skin adamantine-hard and jet black, erupting from a broken vat as Project 9 agents attempted to sedate him.   Mist came to in the Void, a ragged wound left by the Eclipse Malkin still in his chest... Four forms appeared at the edge of nothing, each the stuff of legends.   The Dark Walkers had come.   End Season 5
End Part 1 of the Centurion's Riddle

Rewards Granted

Tarot Deck Loot
  • Mist recovered the Sun Key from Jun Zhao's ash pile.

Created Content


This was one of very few episodes in my entire DMing career that I had no flavor text, as I had genuinely no idea what was going to happen. Also, running 45-50 combatants across two combats is hard.   I thought I was going to kill at least one Daughter of Night... My disappointment is immeasurable. Tesin is scary.   Cornelius reveals his Envoy class graft. <3   RIP Free Captain Mist. Your journey will be... Mist.   Lockette becomes a Nanocyte!   With the death of Jun Zhao, Chamas has unlocked a potent ability of Odium.
The Centurion's Riddle
Flame in the Night
Tesin Movahesh
Thunder in the Mist
Lockette Endrinmaster 12 2.0
Report Date
17 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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