Hunter Character in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil


In the time before the Gap, this Saint was once known as the Horizon Guard, a cosmic entity sworn to guard the barrier between the Dark Tapestry and the Material Plane. After the disappearance of Golarion (and more importantly, Rovagug) the Horizon Guard has taken on a new role in the cosmos, known to his followers at the Hunter.   He is said to wander all the planes in search of his prey, and takes the form of a metal titan surrounded by cleansing fire.  

Blessing of the Hunter

Range: Single Source, Single Target within Line of Effect
Action: Full-Round
Duration: Instantaneous   When invoking the Blessing of the Hunter, an aura of cleansing red flame surrounds the caster, and a spear of golden light erupts from their hands. This spear unerringly strikes a target within line of effect, and explodes into a divine inferno that clings to the their form.
  • Evil Living Creature: Tether Snapped (Dead, Resurrection Nearly Impossible)
  • Evil Outsider: Permanently Destroyed
  • Good or Neutral Creature: No Effect
After this spear is thrown, all entities in the universe are aware of the caster's common name, face, and current location - accurate to the nearest millimeter. This effect does not persist with the caster as they move to new locations.
Character Art by Julie Dillon.
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Julie Dillon


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