Gatekeeper Character in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil


The Gatekeeper is said to have taken a thousand forms, and been known by more names than any database could hold. Although currently depicted as a dark-skinned woman in a red dress, this Saint claims that the Gatekeeper is actually a title, and has been passed down long before mortals took notice.   She is the Saint of open doorways, planar rifts, and inter-dimensional gates - particularly those that border the Dark Tapestry. She is directly opposed to Yog-Sothoth, who is said to open a gate for every one she closes.   Unlike many of the other Saints, the Gatekeeper has no qualms with collaborating with evil deities, and is said to be allies with Asmodeus and Zon-Kuthon - masters of chains, locks, and keys. She claims to have once studied under Abadar, and learned the art of hacking from Triune.  

Blessing of the Gatekeeper

Range: Single Source, An Open Rift or Single Outsider
Action: Full-Round Action
Duration: Instantaneous   When invoking the Blessing of the Gatekeeper, the caster's eyes become doorways to another world, and an ancient creature peeks through their irises. If targeting an open gate or planar rift, it is closed - unless a creature of a Saint's power or higher is actively concentrating to keep it open. Similarly, a targeted outsider is banished to its home plane with no save, and cannot return to the Material Plane for one year and a day.   However, all who take this Blessing should be warned - when one door closes, another is sure to open.
Character Art by Julie Dillon.
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: by Julie Dillon


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