Pact Summit Tradition / Ritual in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Pact Summit

Artwork by Johanna Rupprecht
The Pact Summit is a yearly event hosted at the Culinarium, during which members of the Pact Council and its various political contacts meet to discuss the ongoing issues in the galaxy. It is one of the most televised events each year, and is the source of many major Pact Worlds announcements, including the famous peace treaty between the Pact Worlds and the Veskarium.


Historically, the Pact Summit is an opportunity for world leaders to pass new legislature, sign diplomatic agreements, and learn more about their multi-faceted neighbors. It is considered a gathering centered around peace and understanding, and celebrates an end to needless opposition and fighting. While initially held all over the Pact Worlds, security requirements forced the Pact Council to select a single, reliable locale -- capable of both entertaining and ensuring the safety of its guests. The Culinarium won the bid in 245 AG, as part of an effort to include the newly-arrived Idari in diplomatic activities.   In modern times, the Pact Summit is just as much of a diplomatic event as it is a celebrity gala, in particular the party that occurs in the evening after business concludes. The days surrounding the event are a media frenzy, with reporters scouring the Idari for news of who's attending, and trying to squeeze past Stewards security.


The day of the Pact Summit is broken into three major sections -- scheduled diplomatic and mediation sessions from 8am-3pm (restricted to government attendees), a Council address from 4pm-5pm, and a high-profile gala from 6pm-12am. The Council address is usually given by a member of the Directorate, who is also responsible for the opening speech for the gala.   While the diplomatic portion of the Summit is relatively short, preparations for the talks usually begin weeks or even months in advance, with the talk itself serving as a central location for (hopefully) making decisions.


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