Lord of Night Rank/Title in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Lord of Night

The Lord of Night is an ancient title granted to the strongest being of Night, and is tasked with maintenance of the eldritch realm, and all of its citizens. The current and only holder of this title is Carrot, the Keeper of the Caliginous Soul.


The Lord of Night is by definition the most powerful creature in Night -- an exemplar of the plane and its eldritch aspects. They are as gentle and mysterious as the moon, wiser than the eldest trees, fiercer than the feral beasts of the Wild Hunt, and deeper than the shadows cast by the forest.


The Lord of Night is obligated to ensure the wellfare of all citizens of Night, and to enforce the natural balance between Night and Day across all the realms. While not directly associated, they are expected to aid in the hosting of the Wild Hunt, and often lend aid to the spirits of forests.


As the concept of Night was created in the First World, so too was a creature born to lead it, known across the ages as Carrot, the first and only Lord of Night. He has held onto his title through thousands of attempted invasions, coups, and patricides over the countless ages, making him a notable landmark in the flowing tides of godhood.

Of note, scholars of Night recognize a folktale related to an unknown girl (bearing a startling resemblance to the Girl Thrice-Abandoned) to whom Carrot once offered all of his power. The girl refused, citing an inborn wanderlust, and then left the plane of Night to travel the stars.

In recent times Carrot's responsibilities are shared by his wife, Tesin Movahesh -- in particular his dominion of the Night-aligned city of Ezorod.

Cultural Significance

Throughout the galaxy, uncountable cultures revere the significance of Night itself, and the creatures that roam inside it. The Lord of Night is chief among them, known alternatively as the Night King, Old Jack, Rattlebones, and thousands more. These figures are often a pale reflection of the Elder Numen behind them, derived from the many forms taken over the years. Only scholars of the realms are aware that all these boogeymen can be attributed to Carrot's presence, and the Lord of Night in general.
Artwork by Syncraft Studio
Magical, Honorific
First Holder
Current Holders
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Cover image: Dark Forest by Syncraft Studio


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