Tian Settlement in Esau | World Anvil
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Tian is a large port town on one west part of Volat Island within the Pelago Islands.
Named to honour Tiandra of The Feywild Realm.

Town colours = red

Hartsbridge Borough

The Knave's House

A grand commoner's Inn and Drinking Tavern, which serves only beers, whiskey and gin.
OWNER = Pertumal is a 159 year old male Firbolg. He has long, braided, auburn hair and amber eyes. He stands 7'3" (222 cm) - missing his left arm from the elbow. He has a complicated piercing on his nose.

Ardlan: Male Human Entertainer, Good. Ardlan is short and stout, with straight red hair and dark hazel eyes. He wears modest garments and a sling of vials and Potions. Ardlan has an animal companion, a black rat named Wulffre.

Ceol's Potions

Potions Store
Ceolee - Female Dwarves - Alchemist, Good. Ceolee is short, with black hair and piercing pale green eyes. She wears tailored clothing and several pouches hang from her belt. Ceolee is cautious and aloof.

Mother Shelter of Sune

Small temple which celebrates Sune as a mother in the beauty of motherhood and voluptuous features - like Venus of Willendorf.
Acts as a homeless shelter and foodbank.

Goodies Music and Games

Instruments and bardic school
OWNER: Goodie Sariel is a 47 year old female Half-Orc musician, who plays various flutes and pipes. She is a bald head with harsh blue eyes. She has veiny, gray skin. She stands 6 feet tall yet has scoliose - an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine.

Rafferty's Merchants

Rafferty family - Traders, merchants, shore whalers, and land speculators
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Changeling - fleet of ships travel around Esau. They buy various items, including banned, unwanted, Black Market and contraband items

Manager: Gutherie and Eleanor Rafferty - look Human - eldest brother - blond hair and beard male with blue eyes, and Brown haired female, 5 feet 10 inches tall, with pale blue eyes.
* 6 children: Hannah (13.5), Jonti (11), Delano (8), Ellis (5), Francine (3.5) and Marcus (1)
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(Gutherie and Eleanor are 5th cousins.)

Lower Market

down by the port is the busy market.

Egg's Wares

Black Market store
Egware (known as Egg) Male Lizardfolk Peddler, Neutral. Egware has blonde hair and brown eyes. He wears stained clothing and several pouches hang from his belt.

The Chest

Astrid Smug - Female Halfling Jeweler, Good. Astrid is short, with grey hair and large blue eyes. She wears modest garments and several small tools hang from her belt. Astrid was cursed by a ring stolen from a hag - so can only see through a glass eye which she holds.

Old Mastiff's Farthing

Hegeald's Ironworks

Weapon Smith Store
Hegeald ( Male Dwarves ) ex-Fighter, Good. Hegeald has a narrow face, with straight white hair and sharp grey eyes. He wears banded mail and wields a bardiche. Guarded by animal companion, a copper firedrake named Deth.

Saethru: ( Female Human ) Peasant, Neutral. Saethru is rough in appearance, with short dull brown hair and hazel brown eyes. She wears modest garments and a wide-brimmed hat. Saethru is fascinated by the Shadowfell realm and The Feywild Realm.

Stave Piers

The Bastille

A magical prison of strong stone walls, guarded by Undead Half-Orc. It is said that the guards alone decide how long to hold one condemned, and that none have escaped them.

Snagg's Clocks

The workshop of a female Gnome clockmaker named Laughan Snagg, who once worked in Pi-Chu.

The Emerald Rose

A shabby commoner's Inn, known for its impossible variety of beers, wines and ales.
OWNER = Zotlee is a 62 year old male Lizardfolk. He has a smooth head and cyan eyes. He has bluce-ish scales. He stands 5'8" and has a round face. He has an unfinished tattoo of a red rose on his left hand. He has a slight lisp.


Tian is governed by The Council of Sails - who focus on the port and trade.

Sail to Gunne = 4.5 hours
Sail to Seatail = 15 hours

Cart to Seatail = 13 hours
Cart directly to Pi-Chu = 72 hours.

Large town
Approximately 3900;
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

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