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These Drinking Rules are for any drinking alcholic beverages in Esau - Taverns, Inn, Pubs, Black Market Moonshine, Teahouse, private residences, or any other situations and locations.


Drinks have 6 levels of strength:
Watered = it is watered down, requires 2 to gain 1 level of drunk.
Weak = 1 level of drunk.
Moderate = 2 levels of drunk.
Strong = 3 levels of drunk.
Very strong = 4 levels of drunk.
Deadly = 5 levels of drunk and a Constitution save DC 10 vs automatically falling unconscious for 1d6 x 10 minutes.


Liquid courage grants you one of the following effects for 1 hour:
ROLL = d4
1. Temporary hit points = 5
2. Advantage on Charisma skill checks.
3. Advantage on saving throws made against fear.
4. Advantage on Charisma ability checks.
• Disadvantage on Wisdom and Dexterity saving throws.
• Disadvantage on Intelligence and Wisdom ability checks.


Each drink has its own Potency. You have a drinking threshold that is equal to your Constitution score +1. Each successive drink increases the DC by 2. When you drink an alcoholic beverage:-
ROLL = Constitution saving throw (equal to 10 + the drink's Potency, with a cumulative +1 penalty for every drink you have had so far)
FAIL = you gain a number of Alcohol Level points equal to the Potency of the drink. You may choose to fail this saving throw. Creatures receive twice the number of Alcohol Level points for each size category below Medium they are or half (rounded down to a minimum of 0) for each size category above Medium.


Once your Alcohol Level is equal to your Constitution modifier = Tipsy.
  • You gain a +2 to Persuasion checks - against creatures who are at least Indifferent towards you or friendlier.

  • You suffer -2 to checks made to resist another creature's Persuasion or Deception skill checks against you.


    Once your Alcohol Level is equal to one half of your Constitution score rounded down = Drunk.
    In addition to the modifiers for being Tipsy:-
  • a -2 modifier to both Intelligence and Wisdom checks and saving throws - with the booze sitting pretty in your system, you are paying a little less attention to the world around you. Many abilities of magical items or class features activate once you are Drunk.

  • You suffer a penalty to your spell and weapon attacks equal to 2 + every additional Alcohol Level point beyond your minimum value to be Drunk - not including natural attacks, improvised weapon attacks, and spells you may cast because of your race.


    Once your Alcohol Level equals 10 + your Constitution modifier = Inebriated
    In addition to the modifiers for being Drunk;-

  • You suffer the poisoned condition.
  • For every additional drink with a Potency you drink until you begin a long rest, or you must spend a minute vomiting
    * while vomiting, you cannot perform any other actions and automatically fail all saving throws.
    Additionally, once you begin a long rest, you must make a Constitution saving throw - or you fail to gain any benefit from the rest.
    Both saving throw DCs are equal to your current Alcohol Level.
    ALSO - Make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, or advance one level of inebriation.
    Effects of inebriation are cumulative.

    1. Disadvantage on Persuasion and Deception; Advantage against Frightened

    2. Disadvantage on Ability Checks; Roll Hit Dice and gain temporary hit points

    3. Disadvantage on Saving Throws; Cannot dash or move more than 10' in the same direction (STUMBLE = you can no longer travel more than 10 feet in a straight line before using at least 5 feet of movement in another direction ROLL 1d8)

    4. Disadvantage on Attack Rolls; Damage Resistance

    5. Become Unconscious


  • To cast a spell, make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, or the spell fails. (The spell slot is not used if a fail.)
    A short rest removes one level of inebriation; a long rest removes all effects of inebriation.


    Once your Alcohol Level is equal to your Constitution score = immediately incapacitated.
  • You must make a Constitution saving throw equal to your Alcohol Level and gain at least 1 lvel of Exhaustion - or you must begin making death saving throws.

  • Another creature can make a Medicine check to stabilize you as though you were dying. If a creature would reach this point at or before the point they would become Wasted, they do not reach that stage at all and are instead incapacitated as normal.


    Furthermore, you must make a Constitution saving throw save after each drink consumed past their threshold.
    The DC is equal 8 + the strength of the drink + your level of Exhaustion.
  • If you fail, you gain one level of Exhaustion.

  • If you fail the save by 5 or more = you fall unconscious for 1d4 hours.

  • Detoxing and Hangovers

    • Your levels of drunk are decreased by 2 at the end of a short rest, and reset at the end of a long rest. If you have 1 level of Exhaustion gained from drinking and no levels of drunk, you have a hangover.
    • While you are hungover, you are vulnerable to thunder damage and have disadvantage against being blinded.
    You lose 4 levels of drunk from a use of lesser restoration.
    • You lose your hangover at the end of a long rest or from a use of greater restoration (must be used after Exhaustion is cured).

    Types of Drinks


    Each drink has a unique Potency. They can be anything from a negative, to sober you up, or a speciality drink meant to affect a certain race differently than normal. Some even have magical affects in addition.


    Common Ales = potency 1
    Stout Ales = potency 2
    Dwarven Ales = potency 3
    NOTE: Racial - Dwarves,
    Hearty = Creatures receive one additional point to their Alcohol Level when they fail the save, excluding creatures who match the Racial Trait of this drink.


    Common Wines = 1 potency
    Mead Wines = 1 potency
    NOTE: Racial - Human
    NutMilk Wine = 1 potency
    Aged Wines = 2 potency
    Milk Thistle Wine = 2 potency
    Elven Wines = 3 potency
    NOTE: Racial - Elves,
    Infatuating = Creatures who are at least Drunk have Disadvantage on spell saves against Enchantment spells that inflict the Charmed condition - excluding celestials, Fey, fiends, and creatures descended from them.
    Orcish Wines = 3 potency
    NOTE: Racial - Orc ,
    Dangerous = All creatures who are at least Drunk, deal 1d4 damage with their unarmed strikes, unless they would normally deal more.


    Water = potency 1/4
    Sobering = Rather than add to your Alcohol Level, you instead subtract this drink's Potency from your Alcohol Level.
    Brandy = 2 potency
    Gin = 2 potency
    Tequila = 2 potency
    Vodka = potency 2
    Whiskey = potency 2

    * Gnomish Spirits = 3 potency
    NOTE: Racial - Gnome
    Wild Magic Action = Creatures, who not not Fey or Gnome, who are at least Drunk must make a roll on the Wild Magic table - whenever they sneeze, burb, vomit, or otherwise body related action.

    *Halfling Teas = 3 potency
    NOTE: Racial - Halfling
    Deceptive = Creatures, who are not Halfling, who at least Drunk, have disadvantage on Perception checks to detect a creature who is being stealthy or notice a theft from their person.

    * Draconic Liquors/Spirits = 3 potency
    NOTE: Racial - Dragonborn
    Empowered Bloodline = Dragonborn, creatures with the Dragon type, and Sorcerers with the Draconic Bloodline Sorcerers Origin, who are at least Drunk, receive an additional +2 to all Charisma checks and a +1 to spell attacks that deal damage associated with their draconic damage type. They also receive +1 to their save DCs when using their breath weapons or a spell that uses Charisma as their spellcasting ability.

    * Fey Liquors = 3 potency
    NOTE: Racial - Fey
    Wild Magic = Creatures who drink these must make a roll on the Wild Magic table.

    * Racial = Races associated with a certain kind of alcohol receive one less point to their Alcohol Level when they choose to fail the save against its Potency. They do not receive this benefit if they attempt the save but still fail anyway.
    + Half-breeds still receive this benefit from both of their parent races.


    * All shots cost 5 gold each and the spell effects last for one hour.
    * Drinking one shot will likely make a player slightly inebriated within twenty minutes.
    * If a player drinks two shots simultaneously (the equivalent of six large ales at once) they will be fully inebriated within twenty minutes.
    * The bartender will not sell more than four drinks to any one person in one visit -fearing the person will get alcohol poisoning

    1. The Standard: creamy white liquor - contains a variant of a Charm spell which generally puts the player in a good mood, and they will have a friendly attitude towards everyone they encounter.
    2. The Soul Shinea glittering mixer - contains a Light cantrip. Once the player drinks a shot, they will begin to glow from the inside of their torso.
    3. The Fairy Danceryellow creamy liquor which glows - contains a variation of a Dancing Lights cantrip. The effected player sees dancing lights and various shapes and auras at everything they look at.
    4. The Reckoning: foggy swirling blue - contains a variation of the Ghost Sounds cantrip. The spell taps into the players subconscious to determine what they want to hear, and then begins playing whispers of those thoughts so that only the player can hear them.
    5. Brain Drain:  pink swirling liquor - contains a variation of the Enlarge spell. It only affects the player's head, which swells to twice its regular size (including all headgear and adornments) while the rest of her body remains the same. The player's neck will be able to hold their head up for the duration of the shot's effects, but it is awkward and disorienting.
    6. Centre of the World: gentle green liquor - contains a minor illusion spell under which everyone that the player looks at appears to look identical to the player. 


    * Dwarven Ale = Known primarily to Mountain Dwarves and communities friendly to them, Dwarven Ale is renown for being the strongest brews known to the civilized races. There is a strong, almost bitter taste that bites the throat and punches the stomach of the weaker races.

    * Elven Wine = Elven Wines are made by Elves, and are some of the fanciest, most cultured alcohols spread wide with every community who trades with them. Although there are flavour and brewing differences between the fruits of a High Elf's vineyard, a Wood Elf's forest, or a Dark Elf's mushroom farms, they all mechanically resemble each other.

    * Orcish Wine = Orcs typically are not a race known for their wines, but that's all because of prejudice against orcs and most Half-Orc. Orcish wine is very fine, similar to an Elven grape-wine, although brewed a little cruder. The techniques and ingredients, therefore the taste as well, vary between tribes, but generally are regarded by the tribe as one of the most important professions.

    * Gnomish Whiskey = Forest Gnomes do not have the facilities or attention span to brew whiskey the regular way. Instead they use bits of their talents descended from their Fey ancestors to imbue baby wheat mash in water with alcoholic essence.

    * Halfling Tea = These herbal concoctions are not called by any alcoholic names, so many people tend to forget how potent they are. Halfling of all alignments enjoy the drinks themselves, but some tricky folk use it maliciously against larger races who have larger loot.

    * Dragon Tequila = Each colour of Dragonborn brew it to taste specific to a certain breed of dragon, however they all act the same. Burning on the way down and into the heart of creatures who are never as ready as they think they are. It is said that minor qualities manifest and tell you what kind brewed it, from static electricity in the bottle to a sour taste or the heartburn left after the bottle's empty.

    Speciality Drinks

    Some spirits have additional properties, not all magical, that differentiate them from other spirits of their category. Unless otherwise stated, special properties only activate if you are at least Drunk on a drink.

    * Age Old HateOrcish Wine = Orcs and Half-Orc who drink this may enter a Rage as the Barbarian class feature.
    * When an Orc tribe declares war, they begin to brew great batches of a very special wine. Usually including the blood or other materials from their enemy, just a gulp and enough hate in their heart is enough to send an Orc into a prestigious fit of anger. An Orc who already has the Rage class feature does not expend a use of the feature when entering a Rage from Age Old Hate.

    * Auroch's HideDwarven Ale = For one hour after drinking this, you are immune to the effects of extreme heat.
    * Dwarves who find their mountain transforming into a volcano but are too stubborn to leave, blacksmiths who spend too long in the forge, and residents of a mountain that intersects with The Plane of Fire all have a common issue. It is just too hot. By brewing a side of beef into their ale, they've found a pretty tasty way around the otherwise prohibitive conditions that would cause other people to flee.

    * Farmer's Breath = Whiskey = You may spit a burning bubble of the whiskey at a target.
    * Many of the Human race are known to drink just about anything. This whiskey gives a literal heartburn to anyone who drinks it, letting them belch up a single bubble that can fly at a target. This functions as a single use of the Firebolt cantrip.
    * It uses your Constitution as your spellcasting stat and has a limited range equal to your Constitution score. Regardless of your character level, this only functions as the basic cantrip.

    * House Secret = Stout Ale = You have a +2 to resist poison and alcohol.
    * Taverns near the edges of kingdoms tend to have drinking contests with travellers from the neighbouring nation and drink this to give themselves an edge. You may benefit from this drink while Tipsy or Drunk - however your system becomes too flooded to get the benefit while Inebriated.

    * LolthiciteElven (Drow) Wine = You may choose to let a Lolthite spider climb out of your mouth.
    * An accidental invention, Lolthicite wine was made when a Drow ( Elves ) brewer left their fermentation pit unattended and a mother spider wanted to use it as a breeding hole.
    * A Lolthite spider has the stats of a Giant Spider, except it is a friendly Tiny creature with an AC of 10 and a single hit point. If this feature is not used before you take a long rest, the egg inside the wine is instead digested and cannot hatch.

    * Sober Thoughts = Brandy = Sobering.
    * This bittersweet brandy leaves a bad taste in your mouth for an hour or so after you drink it. As normal with the Sobering special trait, it removes its Potency from your Alcohol Level instead of completing it. However, unlike other sobering drinks, it will never completely clear your system no matter how much you drink. This can not make you less than than your Alcohol Level value that would make you Tipsy, however an additional drink after that point mitigates the modifiers for being Tipsy.


    Magic drinks otherwise function the same as non-magical speciality drinks, except they lose their magical properties and become a normal spirit of their category if they are exposed to an Anti-magic Field for one hour before serving or are drank within an Anti-magic Field. Their taste worsens a little too, but some do not mind it.

    * Brawler PrepGin = Healing with a boost
    A warm, revitalizing drink that functions like a Potion of Healing, matching the rarities and healing values of the equivalent potion. it is best drunk just before a second fight - as you become resistant to attacks from specifically improvised weapons, natural weapons, and unarmed attacks for one minute.

    * Detective's FlaskVodka = Cliché but effective
    This tastes like black coffee and burns on the way down. If you do not have Darkvision, you gain Darkvision out to a range of 1d4 multiplied by your Constitution score, to a minimum of 20 feet. If have darkvision, range expands. The penalties for being Drunk do not apply to Intelligence (Investigation), Wisdom (Insight), or Wisdom (Perception) skill checks.

    * FireballWhiskey = A demon child's favourite
    There is actual fire in this water. it is painful to anyone else who drinks it, even though the flavour alone is enough to ward someone off. Non-Tieflings who drink this take a 1 point of fire damage - unless they have resistance to fire damage.
    + Tieflings who drink this may cast one additional use of their 3rd level racial spell, but only while Drunk or Wasted.

    * Queen's MilkElven Wine = A key to a surprise encounter
    Elves actually do not like knowing this is nearby. They say it is uncomfortable knowing that someone could just charm you. You have an advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks against Elves and Fey, and other creatures with Fey Ancestry.
    + If you rest while Wasted, you might have a special Fey guest in your sleep.

    + Possible Tavern Drinks
    + Alcoholic Drinks List
    + Enchanted Drinks
    + Magical Drinks List
    + Booze Rules
    + Other Magical Drinks
    + More Magical Drinks
    + Unique Drinks
    + Beverage Shop

    Chemical Compound


    ROLL d8
    1-2 = Sleepy or Trance
    3-4 = Angry or Grumpy
    5-6 = Chatty
    7-8 = Flirty or Hyper

    This is for quick reference using my notes, as well as other websites


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