INN = a public house that provides lodging, food and Drinking for travelers
Taverns offer food ranging in price and quality.* Banquet (per person) 10 gp
* Meals (per day)
+ Squalid 3 cp
+ Poor 6 cp
+ Modest 3 sp
+ Comfortable 5 sp
+ Wealthy 8 sp
+ Aristocratic 2 gp
* Bread, loaf 2 cp
* Cheese, hunk 1 sp
* Meat, chunk 3 sp
Taverns offer drink ranging in price and quality.* Drinking
+ Ale = Gallon 2 sp - Mug 4 cp
+ Wine = Common (pitcher) 2 sp - Fine (bottle) 10 gp
Rooms for Rent
Any inn has a place for people to stay - that is hopefully warm, comfortable and safe.* Inn stay (per day)
+ Squalid 7 cp
+ Poor 1 sp
+ Modest 5 sp
+ Comfortable 8 sp
+ Wealthy 2 gp
+ Aristocratic 4 gp
Most adventures are not traveling on foot, and a lot of patrons are not either.* Stables
Job Postings
An inn often acts as a place for people to find work. Since everyone goes there, it makes sense to post jobs inside Inns and Taverns.Job Board = The job board might be run by the tavern - or perhaps a copy over from a guild. The tavern often takes a cut or charges a fee for a job to be posted and then acts as the pass-through for reporting and completion of the work. This is a great benefit for those looking for work as well as those in need of workers, so the cost to use the service is usually worth it. Jobs posted on a job board are always a task, but they can range from simple fetch quests to complex adventuring.
Typically music, dancing, story telling, or games and gambling.+ Tarot
+ Gambling
+ Bar Brawling
Paying a Person
People are often carting around more goods than they can keep on themselves, so inns providing storage for goods is a convenient service.
* locked box = 2 sp (per day)
* locked cupboard = 5 sp (per day)
* locked room = 2 gp (per day)
Mail Services
Leaving letters for people at inns or sending notes between taverns is really efficient.* Held message = 1 cp
* Magpie Messenger = 2 cp per mile
* Mounted Messenger = 1 sp per mile
Basic Spellcasting Services
Better taverns have some magic available - can be from an employee or from a more notable proprietor who has retired from adventuring themselves - usually things like:* Mending
* Prestidigitation (for cleaning)
* minor healing spells
Cleaning and Mending
Shine your shoes, mend your shirts, keep things from wearing out. This is lucrative business for a tavern or inn and often costs them very little.In smaller villages craftsmen might offer their services at night in the tavern since that’s where all their customers are.
* Tailors
Bathing is something that should not be overlooked. Adventuring is dirty work and places that offer baths are an amazing perk.* Bathhouse
* Bath = Cost: 1sp (cold) 1gp (hot)
A bath can be requested to be drawn for you at most inns, taverns, or other similar establishment. By doing so, you gain privacy while bathing and the use of soap.
Stock and Storage
When running a tavern, stock keeping is one of the biggest on-going tasks. In a village, a tavern will be the largest consumer of goods in town and likely one of the wealthiest business.Taverns can stock the following items by category:
Tavern Perishables
Meat – cured cuts, fresh cuts, pickled or fresh fish, various game from hunters/adventurers.Vegetables – taverns keep a stock of whatever is available from surrounding farms, typically root vegetables and staple grains.
Fruits – less common, but a tavern stocks the area’s fruit for desserts, drinks, and seasoning.
Animal Products – cheese, milk, eggs, honey. These are common food items as well as sustainable ingredients.
Tavern Non-Perishables
Flour – Every tavern needs flour for both baking and thickening stews and sauces.Herbs and Spices – This will vary wildly from tavern to tavern, but they always keep some basic dried ingredients in stock.
Salt – salt is used in cooking, but taverns also use it to preserve food, create brine, and to remove pests and deter mold.
Brewing Supplies
Basic Ingredients – wheat, hops, source of water, yeast, sugarBarrels – to store your brews
Tavern Supplies
Lighting – candles, torches, lamp oilDishes/Utensils – mugs and plates are used daily and break often
Heat – taverns need fire wood, coal, and other sources of heat for cooking and comfort
Soap/Lye – taverns get more cleaning than most places, even if it does not look it
ITEMS: Lodging - Beds - Accommodation - Food - Beverages - Stables - Mail
ALTERNATIVE NAMES: Tavern - Bar - Hostel - Taphouse - Lodge - Motel - Hotel - Bed & Breakfast - Guest House - Pub - Public House - Watering Hole - Alehouse
+ Inn and Tavern Generators:
* Role Generator
* Expenses Details
* The Thieves Guild
* The Copper Sanctum
* donjon
* DnD speak
+ Meals of Interesting Meats
+ Patron Generator
+ Tavern Keepers
+ Gambling Games
This is for quick reference using my notes, as well as other websites