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Thace is a miltary base located in the Gsint region of Volat, within the Pelago Islands.

It was built as a Miltary Base for a Orc Horde. The Horde has expanded and the population has become mainly numerous types of Half-Orc amongst the people of Thace.

The inn is a central simple stone dome, with small domes off in. Inside has roughly hewn wooden tables and benches. Many of the tables in the common room are used for gambling.
Accomodation consists of a few small rooms with straw mats in stone alchove beds (set into a recessed space).
The innkeeper is a young male Half-Orc named Flok.


A matriarchal Horde with four members of the Horde who lead.


Very half century or so, someone wound try to prove their might by attacking the Orc Horde.
On rare occassions the Horde suffered great losses. People of the attacking army, sometimes even 'saved' the half-race children from the Horde.
However, usually the Horde took prisioners of those from the attackers who were wounded in battle. They showed mercy and mended their wounds. Frequently enough these people stayed and some had relationship with Orc, which did produce half-orc children.

Cart to Trand = 7.5 hours
Cart directly to Pi-Chu = 15.5 hours

Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
mainly Orc, half-orc, Goliath and half-Giants
Location under


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