Wittona Settlement in Esau | World Anvil
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Wittona is an elvian elegant village located on Volat Island within the Pelago Islands.

The Jade Frog

A fancy tavern, filled with the scent of orchids. Anyone who enters the Inn is met by a walking-upright and talking frog companion, who serves and entertains them while they remain.
Owner: Gista - Elves, female - jade green eyes and long light brown hair - friendly and delights in making people smile.

The Stone Book

Book Shop
A stone building with well-lit interior. Tall bookshelves. A small stone statue of Ioun is in the entrance.
Owner: Samual - Human, male

Fino's Forge

The workshop of a male Elves named Dinnu - who has won three times the title of "the best weaponsmith" in Volat Island.


Mayor is an elected elf named Valoris.

Cart to Tian = 9 hours
Cart to Myrtle = 11 hours

Approximately 490
Inhabitant Demonym
primarily elves, some human and half-elf.
Location under


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