Black Hills Forest
The Highland forest named The Black Hills is located as part of The Tablelands, on the edge of the Dragonfly River on Volat Island, within the Pelago Islands.
The Black Hills encompass rugged dark rock formations sticking out of the dark soil, gulches in the reddish clay, tumbling streams, and unique caves in the hills. It contains numerous breeds of black barked trees - black ash, black oak, black beech, black walnut, black larch, black cherry, black maple and black Rowan Trees.
It is home to many animals that have unusual or unsettling calls.
* Hissing Cockcroaches - hisses
* Black Elk - deep tones
* Barn owls - shrieks
* Cougar - yowls
* Wolves - howls
* Foxes - yells anmd yips
* Possums - trill and chuckle
* Large haiory armadillo - screams
Magnificent waterfalls surrounded by lush forest. People can enjoy a refreshing swim beneath the Falls - occasionally joined by Capybaras. The wildlife shows much interest in strangers, as much the people do of the animals.Predators can bee heard - such as wolves and couguars
The Mouse Ridge is a high country Cattle and Goat farm of about 250 acre closest to the settlement of Dane to the North.The Heritage buildings (circa 1163) have been restored between in 1399, and include a pioneer cottage & small Stables made from handhewn limestone with cob. The original sheep dip remains. The horse drawn agricultural equipment is used to easy the workers work load.
A night the screams of the goats can be heard for miles around. In the correct wind, the screams can be heard during the day, in and around Dane.
Frog Rock Stud Farm is a horse ranch located to the South East of the Mouse Ridge - along the Dragonfly River, across from the settlement of Kamar. It is so named because of the rock crop that looks like a Giant Frog, on the hills by the front gate.STAYGILL
On the edge of the Black Hills forest, is a reddish clay cliff that had a massive, ancient Naptovis Tree. It is know as Staygill - the stubborn tree grows over a cave formed in the clay. The tree's roots stretch out into the clay on ever side of the clay and a few long roots stretched down into the soil below.Tree Picture
Location under