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Adam Divisav

(a.k.a. Blue Lightning)

An elven fighter and veteran member of the Royal Knights Brigade. From the Battle of Faouzia in 876 to the defeat of the Sunken God at the Battle of Kassadeia in 897, Adam was present for all of the RKB's greatest adventures over the years. He's tried to enjoy a life of retirement, but parenting his daughter Amara Divisav has proven to be one of the greatest challenges of all.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Fighter, Champion

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to humble elven farmers in the rural farms of Hakon, Adam knew from a young age that he couldn't waste his life in the middle of nowhere. In the mid-800's he abandoned the family farm to join a theater troupe and see the nations of Pescaliat. Adam became well-known for the physicality of his acting performances, and under the mentorship of Sebastian the Character the two of them became some of the most renowned performers in Southern Pescat.
Adam stayed on with the troupe for a year or two after Sebastian was banished from the group under trumped-up accusations of murder, but in 875 in the Avicennan city of Ravi he was part of the theater performance where Sebastian got his vengeance and killed the five actors who conspired to expel him from the troupe. Sebastian gave Adam one parting request for him to join the Royal Knights Brigade, after which Sebastian killed himself in a suicide bombing to assassinate Gen. Boua Ussaki. In a matter of seconds, Adam's life trajectory changed completely.   Inspired by Sebastian’s sacrifice, Adam served as a loyal fighter in the RKB and killed leaders of the Coven like Cella Vivaldi with brutal efficiency. Much like the physicality of his performances, Adam preferred a close-range approach to fighting with his sturdy pair of bracers that could decimate an enemy with a single blow. At the Battle of Faouzia in 876 he was almost killed by the lich's devastating 'Power Word Kill' spell, but the cleric-for-hire Prichard Hawkins managed to cast 'Revivify' on him before it was too late.   Traumatized from his adventures, Adam turned to drinking and began a career in vigilantism under the alias Blue Lightning. In 896 he escorted Queen Astrid to the disastrous funeral for the Elflands Emperor Polonius III after which he reluctantly agreed to join The Characters Revolution in their campaign to overthrow the tyrannical Elflands government. He was suspicious of the group’s intentions and its use of his mentor’s theater name, but he began to bond with some of the group’s agents and even formed a relationship with the Revolution's halfling bard Cassandra Gaspard. The Characters Revolution brought with it a whole new era of loss and trauma when Amara Fireheart died fighting Isabel Avon at the Battle of Hedgpeth, leaving Adam with a gutted feeling from the loss. He tried to bring Amara's body back to Gameth to give it a proper funeral for his old mentor Roland Fireheart, but during the New Year's Massacre of 897 the Characters' leader revealed that he was working to summon a monstrous deity known as the Sunken God and had resurrected Amara’s body as a wight to assist him. Adam fought and killed the group's leader with the rest of the party, escaping with Medraad's help just before a horde of sahuagin stormed the palace.   The RKB fled to the Shroud headquarters in the Avicennan city of Kanara and from there to Gameria, processing the losses and betrayals suffered in the Elflands. In the wake of this adventure Adam decided to retire from the RKB and proposed to his girlfriend Cassandra, traveling to her hometown of Noggin to defend it from the Sunken God’s reign of terror. Many cities in the Elflands fell to the monstrous deity's powers like Hedgpeth and Galway, but Adam's combat training helped him oversee the construction of vast fortifications around the Mulane College's campus. The defenses wouldn't hold forever, but they stood long enough for the city to receive relief from a coalition fleet sailing to the Elflands to defeat the Sunken God once and for all. With a massive battle imminent and his wife several months' pregnant, Adam knew that he would have to venture forth once more to defend the life he'd created. He traveled to the ruins of Kassædeia with the RKB to face the Sunken God and its sahuagin horde, landing the killing blow after a hard-fought encounter.   He returned to Noggin to settle down with Cassandra after her return from the signing of the Treeleaf Union and helped raise Amara. What was supposed to be a quiet period of co-parenting turned into one of the most stressful times of his life, Cassandra spending much of her time away from home keeping the fledgling government of the Treeleaf Union afloat through multiple fragile coalition governments. On his own Adam proved to be a distant parent, turning to his old vices when the stress of the responsibilities became too hard. He managed to train Amara in the ways of self-defense and acting, but he was never able to properly express his grief over the loss of his friends and allies.  


Adam Divisav


Towards Cassandra Gaspard


Cassandra Gaspard


Towards Adam Divisav


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Year of Birth
758 177 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization