The Humbug Fiesta

Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
One of the quirkiest events in Trendelika is the Humbug Fiesta, held in Phurr, the city of cats. The catfolk (AKA phurr) get ready for this event right at the start of summer, prepping barrels of mead, loads of food, and home decorations. The tricky part? There's no set date for the fiesta. Everyone's just watching their neighbors, trying to figure out when it'll happen. If you wake up one morning and see decorations up, you better move fast, or you'll miss the grand opening with its award ceremony for the finest stunt, most mind-blowing theft, or biggest prank.   You don't want to be the only cat in the city with or without decorations when the party starts, or everyone will think you're crazy. The Humbug Fiesta is also the one time of year when catfolk really let loose and get excessively drunk, so missing it means waiting another year for the fun. After a few days of watching each other, the catfolk suddenly deck out their homes in minutes and gather in front of the townhall with food and drinks. They debate briefly, then chant the name of the victor. An artist attaches a badge to a big wooden scratching post in the square, naming the winner and their feat. The champ also gets a wristband with a tiny golden bell as a prize.   Some cats have won two or three of these bands, but there's only one who has six. That cat is Whiskey Flom, a legendary prankster known for her outrageous and daring feats. Her stunts include sneaking into the mayor’s mansion and replacing all the portraits with caricatures, orchestrating a heist where she “stole” the townhall bell only to return it during the award ceremony, and pulling off an epic prank where she made it appear as if the river ran backward for a day. Whiskey Flom's exploits are the stuff of legends, and she's the reigning queen of the Humbug Fiesta.
City of Phurr by Tillerz using MJ
A world full of wonders.


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Aug 1, 2022 15:30 by Cassandra Sojourn

This seems like an extremely fun festival. I love the idea of all the catfolk eyeing each other like “now?” “Now. . . . ?” “Now!”

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Aug 1, 2022 17:47 by Tillerz

Thank you. And yes, with cats you never know when they will allow you some social time or when they just hiss at you angrily/annoyed.

Aug 2, 2022 14:34

The Humbug Fiesta, I see what you did there.... ((Oder sollte ich sagen: Ich verstehe wo es herkommt XD)) Cool Idea for your "Cats"

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  • Aug 2, 2022 15:06 by Tillerz


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