Campaign 1: The Night Knights Plot in wow that's a lot of stars | World Anvil
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Campaign 1: The Night Knights

wow that's a lot of stars is a sci-fi setting about adventure, exploration, and discovery. Every person, place, and thing has a story to tell, if you listen closely.   Setting Intro | Visitor's Guide | Author's Intentions
Three heroes uncovered a plot by a secret organization to overtake the cluster, starting with the planet they all met on. They gathered their allies and raced against time to use alien technology to save their homes.

Their Story

Jareth, Tag, and Hua had their own reasons for joining the Unchained Armada, but they all related to desperately wanting to leave Talmar. Along the way to their own goals, they started to notice unusual things. Sightings of a ship of unknown make. An engineer destroying their own work before dying of an aneurism. A criminal they'd apprehended, sprung from custody by mystery persons and forced to do their bidding.   It wasn't until they met Tavari Zima on Astronius that they heard the name "The Emerald Legion". The enigmatic group had taken over Tavari's home planet, one yet unknown to the Talos Sector, having used subtle means to sway people to their side before enacting a full invasion. They'd been laying the groundwork for their next invasion for years, and the Knights had precious little time to stop them.  
Their investigations brought them back to Talmar, where the Legion had been manipulating the Armada, the Yellow Jackets, and the government to keep the planet isolated and at war with itself. Three Legion battleships guarded the planet and landed an army down below. With their allies distracting the Legion, the Knights secured the alien superweapon on the planet's surface and used it to destroy the Legion's ships and break the siege.   With Talmar defended and the rest of the sector warned against the Legion's machinations, the invasion was stopped. Jareth remained on Talmar while Tag rejoined the Syndicate and Hua kept control of their ship, rebranding the Night Knights as Legion hunters

Other Accomplishments

Resolved issues preventing a trade deal for Mirasoil, helping Talmar's food production to survive the harsh winters.
Stopped sabotage of shielding equipment on board Lusca on Torm, saving the city from disaster during a Joining.
Helped a member of Mohalian royalty collect survey data from the ruined city of Monhal to aid in safe settlement expansion.
Activated a pretech ship manufactory on Astronius, creating a ship for civilians to use to evacuate the dying planet.
Stole a corvette ship from the Emerald Legion.
Survived Geotera.

GM Notes

This was the first campaign I ever ran, and the first time any of us used the Stars Without Number system. The campaign started in-person just before the pandemic hit, transitioned to online, and lasted just long enough that we had the final session in person again. Since it was my first campaign, my starting intentions were just to figure things out, with no goal other than to have fun. It led to a bit of a wandering story and some odd decisions on my part.  

Things I learned

Say yes more. I rejected some fun player ideas during the campaign because I had no idea how to implement them.
Be more willing to let time pass. All these events happened in 6 in-game months, which is a bit nonsense.
Have ideas for a central conflict before starting. This won't always apply, but it can help to know what to build toward.
Night Knights logo by Rin Garnett

Cover image: by Aaron Lee, Nick Ong, Norah Khor
  • 3208

    1 /1

    The Contest
    Life, Organisation Association

    Jareth, Tag, and Hua win the contest hosted by the Unchained Armada. Their reward: membership into the mercenary group and a free merchant ship to call their own.

  • 3208

    5 /1

    The Saboteur of Norus
    Military: Skirmish

    While getting a spike drive installed in their ship on Talmar's moon, Norus, the Night Knights uncovered a plot to sabotage the station. They apprehended Syndicate member Klyn Vonner as the culprit.

  • 3208

    18 /1

    Mirasoil Deal
    Diplomatic action

    The Night Knights head to Devali to secure a trade deal for Mirasoil. They recruit Loren Tebils and her brother, Brian Evers, to the Unchained Armada.

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    Monhalian Diplomacy

    The Night Knights return to Devali and help Countess Max collect data and information from the ruins of Monhal.

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    18 /2

    Defending the Joining
    Cultural event

    The Night Knights stop an unknown party (later determined to be The Emerald Legion) from destroying the city aboard Lusca.

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    The Pretech Ship
    Construction beginning/end

    With help from Tavari Zima, the Night Knights infiltrate a pretech ship manufactory and convince its controlling Alecto drone to build one more ship. After the local government's corruption is publicly revealed, the citizenry takes ownership of the in-progress ship to later use for evacuation.

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    Infiltrating the Hive

    The Night Knights track captured Unchained Armada members to a secret Yellow Jacket location and infiltrate to learn the Jackets' plans and free their colleagues.

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    1 /5

    Defeated Yellow Jackets
    Military: Battle

    The Night Knights help the Unchained Armada defend against an attack from the Yellow Jackets cell run by Vossler Dane.

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    Survived Geotera

    The Night Knights follow a lead to Geotera where the Legion was using the Syndicate to acquire a certain pre-human artifact from the nightmare planet. Though the Night Knights didn't stop the Legion, they do manage to rescue Annabel.

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    1 /6

    Infiltrate Legion Battleship
    Military action

    The Night Knights along with Ryker Derrix and Tavari Zima infiltrate an Emerald Legion battleship. They free captives from Parala, including Alice and Maria, and reclaim what Roderick took from Geotera.

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    8 /6

    The Battle for Talmar
    Military: Battle

    The Night Knights and their allies stop the Emerald Legion takeover of Talmar. They use a massive EMP to destroy mechs occupying New Argos, and a pre-human data disk to fire the planetary defense cannon found at the Hive.

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    10 /6

    Emerald Legion Incursion defeated
    Military: Battle

    A warning ripples across the cluster. The Emerald Legion has been secretly imbedding itself in trusted positions for decades in preparation. The Battle of Talmar destroyed the Legion capital warships, and smaller skirmishes on Mithorous and Astronius ensured their attempted coups were failures.

    Additional timelines


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Jan 5, 2024 00:27 by spleen

i love your party's names, they're so fun. how do they come up with them?

Have a wonderful day!
Jan 5, 2024 14:12 by Rin Garnett

"Night Knights" was based off their ship, which had the ID of "NK247". They settled on that name in I think the second session? "Gal Pals" came from the city of Galendra, where they lived and fought to defend. Took them about half the campaign to come up with it :P