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February 3229

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Effects of Psionic Experimentation

wow that's a lot of stars is a sci-fi setting about adventure, exploration, and discovery. Every person, place, and thing has a story to tell, if you listen closely.   Setting Intro | Visitor's Guide | Author's Intentions
wow that's a lot of stars
Since the first diagnosis, humanity has worked to better understand what Psionics are capable of. The Emerald Legion in particular has a strong focus on improving psionic capabilities, no matter the harm to the test subjects. Even the former president of the prestigious Blue Spire Academy has been implicated in unethical experimentation.   The field of psi-med, or psionics medicine, seeks to help victims recover from what was done to them. However, many people refuse treatment - sometimes out of distrust, but other times because they don't want to lose the psionic enhancements they've gained.

Psionic Amplification


  • Improve abilities in psionic disciplines already known to the subject.
  • Unlock techniques and enhancements without years of study.
  • Performed By

  • Emerald Legion
  • Josephine Quinn
  • Side Effects

  • Severe system strain
  • Uncontrollable abilities
  • Death
  • Known Subjects

    Telekinetic member of the Emerald Legion
    Amplification successful, but subject seemingly only survived due to heavy cybernetic usage. Subject was later killed.
    Biopsionic member of the Yellow Jackets
    Amplification successful, but turned subject feral. Subject was later killed.
    Precognitive pirate taken prisoner at Parala
    Amplification successful, but subject has no control over techniques. Suffers from frequent, unintentional torching. Constant sedation and mental focus required to prevent further torching. Subject at large.

    Psionic Induction


  • Grant psionic abilities to those who don't already have them.
  • Performed By

  • Emerald Legion
  • Side Effects

  • Uncontrollable abilities
  • Headaches
  • Death
  • Known Subjects

    Former test subject at the Legion compound on Xeros
    Induction successful, but techniques cannot be used at will. Under significant duress, subject may unintentionally use a high-level technique of a random discipline.
    Former test subject from Xeros, current criminal networker on Nisora
    Induction successful with minimal side effects. Subject capable of precognition with only occasional headaches.
    Former test subject from Xeros.
    Inconclusive. Subject is too young to display psionic abilities, and the compound was destroyed before further testing could be completed.

    Torching Restoration


  • Repair damage caused by overuse of psionics.
  • Prevent future damage from torching.
  • Performed By

  • Norah Everdin
  • Side Effects

  • Total physical paralysis
  • Memory loss
  • Vertigo-like symptoms
  • Brain damage
  • Death
  • Known Subjects

    Patricia Eckhart
    Professor at Blue Spire Academy
    Damage repaired, but subject faced constant metadimensional energy flow through the brain. Caused vertigo-like symptoms. Subject recovered after emergency psi-med treatment.
    Patient at Avlen Memorial Hospital
    Unclear. Subject seemingly has no prior memories and cannot create new ones. Near-constant use of telekinesis and aggression toward medical staff prevents further study.


    Genetic ability to manipulate energy to affect the world and people.
    Over-using psionics to the point of causing irreversable brain damage.
    Potential effect of torching. The psion has limitless ability to use psionics, but has lost all control and sense of self. Often attacks other on sight.


    Chronic, Acquired


    Some recovery from these side effects is possible through experimental psi-med treatments. However, they often need rare materials to synthesize necessary medication, and many hospitals are reluctant to attempt the unproven treatments. Despite years of research, many symptoms are still untreatable.   Many refuse potential treatment. In some cases it's out of distrust for the experimental nature, or refusal to continue being a test subject. Others, however, refuse because they fear it will remove the improvements to their psionics. To them, the side effects are worth the power they gained.


    Technology / Science | Jun 7, 2024

    The unique genetic ability to manipulate metadimensional energies.

    Blue Spire Academy
    Organization | Jun 7, 2024

    Renowned academy for psionics, recently caught with blood on their hands.

    Emerald Legion
    Organization | Jun 7, 2024

    An enigmatic and militaristic organization focused on controlling psionics.

    Cover image: by Aaron Lee, Nick Ong, Norah Khor


    Author's Notes

    This article was written as part of Summer Camp 2023. Follow the link to learn more.

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